How to Deal with Nosy People

Happy Tuesday!

Have you ever been on a weird first date, work or family function where people start asking you inappropriate questions?

They may come completely out of nowhere and catch you off guard. 

If you’re at all empathetic, you may be very attuned to other people’s feelings and have a hard time setting boundaries when faced with an unexpected question you just don’t want to answer! 

This could be anything from, “Why aren’t you married yet?” to “How much did you pay for that new car you got?” 

Or one or my favorites for first dates: “So… how long have you been on (insert dating app). Why are you still single?” 


So annoying, right?

Click here to hear my A to this Q!

ps: Healthy boundaries start with healthy self-love. Not sure how to do that? No fear! Check out 60 Seconds to Self Love: super short, actionable tips you can apply now to start building that self-love confidence!

Give Life to What Gives Life to You…

I forgot where I heard that quote, but it feels very relevant to hare with you as we come out of the much talked about Lion’s Gate 8/8 spiritual portal.

If you are desiring a relationship, this week is prime for reminding yourself:

  1. What are you done tolerating? 
  2. What are your most cherished, Soul desires when it comes to love? 
  3. What are you willing to release in order to align with those? 

It’s a week of deep questioning and I made an impromptu audio about this for you. 

While it’s past 8/8, the message is resonant and especially relevant all week! 

Listen here: 

Q: What’s one thing you are giving your life energy to this week? Let me know in the comments!

ps: if you are ready to give your space both internal and external a revamp for opening up to unlimited possibilities in romance and love, Early Bird registration is now open for the new course, Energise Your Love Space in 18 Days! Join me!

Blocked In (True Story)

Happy Tuesday! 

Have you ever had something happen so random that you never saw coming? 

Here in AZ, there was a powerful dust storm that swept through our neighborhood-it lasted maybe an hour, but in that time, the huge tree that sits outside the front of our home came crashing down.

When I opened the front door, the brand that broke had completely blocked the entrance and there was no way to get out that way. I had to go through the garage. 

I had been doing some massive Feng-Shui and of course, that’s where my mind went!

No! I can’t have it blocking our front entrance-that’s blocking opportunities coming in. 

Rob rolled his eyes. 

Not long after, a landscaper happened to be driving by-again, middle of the day, super seemingly random, but I don’t know that I believe in random. 

He said it looked like we needed help and offered his services. He was super grateful for the work and we were super grateful for him. 

And what I realized is that as that branch and possibly the entire tree get uprooted and removed from the property, I can choose to look at it from another perspective. 

Instead of going into my head, freaking out about how it’s temporarily blocking our entrance and “opportunities,” what if this was the massive removal of blocks to said opportunities and growth? 

Whoa…I’m telling you, I teach this stuff and there are days like this when Spirit truly reminds me who is really in charge. 

Q: What in your life is being removed or released right now? How can you see it as a blessing? 

Let me know in the comments below!

ps: Would you like to learn some practical things you can do to dial up your self-love muscle, so you can stay open to opportunities and stop pushing them away? Check out my self-paced audio course (short 60 sec snippets with gold strategies to help you be more magnetic now!)