How to Handle Rejection in Dating with Grace

Happy Wednesday!

Have you ever felt rejected when it comes to relationships? 

Today, I’m taking a question from our Goddess community: 

“Diana, how can I handle rejection in dating better so that I stay hopeful about future love?”

Let’s unpack this with 3 very simple but powerful shifts you can make when this happens. 

ps: They work even if the ‘rejection’ you’ve experienced is in another area of your life too! 

Watch here: 

Q: Have you ever been rejected? What has helped you to move on? Share by adding a comment!

February Goddess Oracle Message

Happy February! 

Ah! There is a newness in the air-and I was sharing the other day how it feels like January still had remnants of 2020 and it’s just only now beginning to feel like a new year…and energetic era! 

How has it felt like for you? 

In the spirit of new, I decided to use a new to me deck of cards for this month’s Goddess Oracle Message!

It was gifted to me by a very dear friend and I’m excited to share what’s coming up.

Find out now: 

Sometimes You Have to Fall on Your Butt

Happy Wednesday! 

So, in the spirit of doing fun, new things for exercise, I decided to get myself some rollerblades. 

Yup-cue 80’s music and air that smells like sweat and microwaved nacho cheese and the Hokey Pokey (or was that just my childhood?) 

In any case, despite feeling like a complete dork, I also donned a bunch of protective gear to take my 5 minute spin around the block. 

I mean, who knows what could happen? 

It’s only been a decade or more since I did this.

Long story short, the first five minutes were amazing-I found my balance, I was listening to a podcast and feeling on top of the world…I let go of those fearful thoughts and the judge thoughts (what is she WEARING?) 

And just had fun. 

And then…I fell on my ass. Hard

Right smack in the middle of someone’s newly planted flower bed on the front lawn…and she was outside to watch the whole thing go down, as was a little kid who smirked by on his bike. 


I didn’t really even get how in the world I was supposed to get up with all this plastic gear and stiff, tight skates that I had made so tight they cut off any circulation around my ankles. 

I met the lady’s eyes and she said, “Honestly, I’m impressed you are even out here on those things! I could not do that!” And we had a good laugh and I ended up skating for like 30 minutes ore! 

The point: 

And as I skated home, I realized that the experience is a lot like dating, or doing anything new or different for that matter. 

Sure we’d rather look like we have our shiz together-we’d like to just whiz by and do fancy turns and stop without giving it another thought. 

But the reality is, anything new is going to require patience. 



And laughing at oneself. 

It’s like beating up a kindergartener for not knowing Calculus. 

That would be ridiculous, right? 

So…in short, start where you are. 

It’s perfect. 

Imperfectly perfect. 

Say nice things to yourself for even getting out there and doing the thing.

You’ll have a lot more fun, be a lot less stressed and a whole lot more attractive to be around. 

Q: What is something new you’re doing this year? Let me know in the comments below!