3 Virtual Dating Tips That Can Help Make Any Zoom Date a Success
/0 Comments/in Advice and Tips, Intuition and Decision-Making, Love, Relationships /by Diana DorellIt’s Time for a Spring Clean!
/0 Comments/in Advice and Tips, Intuition and Decision-Making, Spiritual Tools /by Diana DorellHappy Tuesday and Spring!
Have you been cleaning stuff out early like me?
Sometimes I feel like I’m in a constant state of decluttering.
It’s so freeing to organize, let stuff go and clean!
Spring time is the perfect season to re-evaluate what you want to give life to and also notice what renews your energy and what depletes it.
When it comes to love and relationships, so often we stay too long in connections that we’ve outgrown or that deplete us.
You may stay because you are afraid of hurting the other person or feel afraid of the changes required of you if you move on, without any guarantees of what will be waiting for you on the other side.
Or you may worry about what someone or the mysterious “they” will think.
But Spring invites you to take stock of our most important relationships and to get super clear on your values. So that you put your energy into things that feel aligned with your most authentic self.
Some examples of values are: Beauty, Power, Health, Family, Leaving a Legacy, Freedom, Passion, Creativity, among others.
Are you game for a bit of spring cleaning?
This week, let’s do a Spring Clarity List!
- I encourage you to take out a sheet of paper. Draw a line down the middle.
- On the left, write down your top 3-5 values. The things you want to measure everything against for the next 30 days. What is most important to you right now?
- On the right, write down at least 5 people you are in relationship with. This could be from any area of your life. Your intuition will share the first names that come. Trust that.
- Then ask yourself, “Does this relationship with this person align with my values? If so, which one(s)?” If they don’t, then ask yourself what you are getting out of the connection. And what fears come up around making changes or exiting it. For the ones that do, celebrate those connections and commit to spending more time and energy with them over the next 30 days!
That’s it!
Q: What came up for you as you did this exercise? What is one of your top values?
Hit reply and share if you feel guided and happy Spring!
ps: Would you like a spiritual mentor to go to the next level of trusting your intuition, and attract healthy, lasting relationships? Let’s talk!
So, want to be completely irresistible? Like for real???
/0 Comments/in Advice and Tips, Goddess Guidance, Love, Spiritual Tools /by Diana DorellEmbrace the Paradox of Multiple Truths
/0 Comments/in Advice and Tips, Intuition and Decision-Making, Manifesting, Relationships, Spiritual Tools /by Diana DorellHappy Tuesday!
Let’s cut right to the chase, shall we?
As humans, we like neat little boxes.
Our brains like definitive answers ad structure and compartments.
Not just for paper, but also for thoughts… and personal truths.
And when it comes to our most important relationships, sometimes, the reality is that there are multiple truths that occur simultaneously that seem to contradict each other.
He’s a great guy…and I’m not attracted to him.
I know this could be a great opportunity…and I know I can’t do the job for what they will pay.
I want to go out on this date…and my body is telling me I need to rest.
So often, we rationalize or fight with ourselves how this could possibly be.
And you end up doubting yourself, thinking the Universe isn’t listening and it can create a whole lotta unnecessary self-talk that is unsupportive of you calling in the love that you seek.
So…what to do?
Plain and simple, when you can honor all your Truths, even the inconvenient ones, and all the fun emotions that accompany those, it creates space for more aligned options to present themselves!
And each time you honor and express your Truth (into no one but your beautiful self!), you build up that self-trust muscle and self-confidence that makes you so damn attractive to everything your soul really really desires.
So, that’s your invitation this week gorgeous:
Q: What are 3 of your personal truths that want to be seen and expressed? You can think of a particular situation you’ve been wrestling with this week or just do general heart dump. Let it all come out-and you’ll be sure to find some interesting gems in there. BONUS points if you share a comment on the blog with one your truths!
ps: Do you struggle with negative self-talk? Want to turn that ship around now?

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