do you think this is weird?

Happy Thanksgiving week!

As we approach the beginning of the holiday season, it’s normal to have bigger questions start to come up like…
-where is this relationship/idea/job, etc going?
-what do I really want?
-what do I really need?
-what do I value most in my life?
-where do I want to go next?

It’s a time for self-reflection and it can also stir up some unresolved stuff with family, partners, friends and yes, how you feel about yourself. 🙂

If you’re in a relationship, the choice to spend the holidays with each other (or to not) can be a source of tension, but it doesn’t have to be.

Today’s Q: “Diana, is it weird to not spend Thanksgiving/the holidays with my significant other?”

This is a GREAT question and there are several layers behind it. 

Even if you aren’t in a romantic relationship, you will get a lot out of this Q+A as it can be applied to any relationship in your life. 

Click below to listen to the answer.

Have a safe and peaceful Thanksgiving week. 

I am super grateful to have you in my community and whatever you choose to do, know this:

You are loved.
You are beautiful.
You are enough.

ps: I have a very special announcement coming in a few days and an opportunity to connect with me for free before the end of the year, so stay tuned!


do you tend to overthink…everything?

Happy Wed beautiful!

Is it cold where you are right now? The weather just turned chillier here in Arizona and  there’s something about needing that extra blanket on the bed that invites self-reflection…or obsessive overthinking…or Netflix binges (done all three btw).

But what do you do when your mind seems to take on a life of its own?

Today’s Q+A comes from anonymous: “Diana, I feel incredibly overwhelmed and I can’t seem stop the monkey mind when it comes to relationships and dating. I just recently got back into the ‘game’ and I’m feeling overwhelmed and am overthinking every single date I go on. How can I have peace of mind and just stay present?”

We’ve all been there before, right?!

If it’s not with dating, it could be with a new career/job, new fitness regimen-anything you’re new to that takes you out of your comfort zone.

So what’s a Goddess to do?

Click below to hear my response:

Have an amazing day!

when shi& happens…+ fun sedona pic!

Happy Wednesday!

How is your week going? 

I am still coming off the high from the Way of the Wise Sedona retreat! Was such a pleasure to hold space for amazing Goddesses facing their Truth and stepping into their power (pic below!)

One of the things that came up was this idea of responsibility and our role in accepting or not accepting the things that happen in our lives.

So when I got a personal message from another Goddess on Facebook asking me a question around the same topic, I knew that was this week’s topic!

Have you ever faced an upsetting situation like being lied to or having something go south in a relationship that you weren’t expecting?

From “A” on Facebook:
Q: When faced with an upsetting situation, such as being lied to or cheated on, how do we separate from our ego when we are saying, ‘I deserve honesty,  or I deserve to be treated better dammit?! Is it our right? Or is it simply a strong desire?

This is SUCH a juicy question and there are a few key gems in it that you can apply to any situation that has caused you stress. 

Click below to hear my response to her

Have an amazing week!



when you think you aren’t good enough for what you want….

Happy Wednesday and Halloween!

Can you believe it’s the last day of October? Seriously…where did the month go?

You may feel your intuition heightened, your dreams intensifying or some serious emotional debris bubbling up to the surface as we enter this day, the 31st when the veil between the two worlds is very thin.

It’s the perfect week to take a personal sabbatical from the “world as you know it” and I’m so excited because this weekend, I will be leading The Way of the Wise Woman retreat for a group of amazing, powerhouse Goddesses in the Red Rocks of Sedona. 

It’s the perfect time to release, free yourself and vision your future.

And it can also be a time when insecurities and Ego shit comes up. 

Today’s Q: What can you do when you feel like you aren’t good enough for what you want?

This is SUCH a juicy question and it’s one that I’ve been coming up against within myself and with my private clients over the past few weeks.

Click below to listen to my response…



ps: Want to feel confident NOW so you can manifest the love and life you really want? Click below:

full moon in luscious taurus…your message inside!

Happy Wed and…full moon!

This is such a vibrant week and relationships take the spotlight.

Full Moon in Taurus mixed with Uranus, planet of “doing things differently” is the quintessential odd couple.

Taurus is a sign of stability, steadiness and the material world-tangible things like your worldly possessions, money, “stuff”, body/sex joins the planet Uranus, the wacky planet of the unconventional, taking risks and being different…. to do different.

Time to:

  • Experience a different reality, a different dimension, a different way of moving in the world.
  • Stake your claim. Taurus says, “What stake do you want to put in the ground? Where do you need to take a stand for yourself?”
It’s that area that has felt like the thorn in your side, your Achilles hell, the area of your life that you feel like you keep trying to make progress only to slip back into your old ways.
  • Commit fully. 
This Full Moon is THE time to finally say to yourself, “Enough is enough! I’m committed, fully committed and Uranus is there to say, Wohooo!! Now let’s get to work…but let’s go about it a totally different way than you did before.”
Ex: maybe you’ve struggled with emotional eating like I have! (hello brownies and carbs!!!) instead of going on an extreme diet or clearing out your cabinets, it’s about going much deeper. Finding a bigger, more compelling reason to stay the course. Not just to “lose weight” but maybe to “find peace with your body and your worry thoughts.” 

From that higher vibe intent, actions will show themselves, insights reveal themselves and you can make headway, not just for the short-term but for the long haul (Taurus is all about things that last!)

Here is the card I pulled for everyone this week: song of the wild.

This week you are invited to try new and exciting things that take you outside your comfort zone. It’s not the time to play it safe! If you’ve been desiring a fresh start this is your nudge to create it and give yourself permission to move beyond the borders you are familiar with. Magic and Divine synchronicities abound this week! Take a chance and mix it up. You’ll be glad you did. ✨🙏🏽❤️ 

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Want more?

I am hosting a virtual Full Moon Meditation/Healing Night tomorrow (Thursday, October 25) at 6pm PST! 

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*Can’t make it live but want to receive the recording? Sign up!


  • lift off stuck, heavy energy from the previous cycle
  • feel light, clear and positive no matter crazy stuff has been going down in your life
  • receive a group Angel message for this full moon (applies to everyone in all time zones!)
  • connect with like-minded Souls!
  • feel more peaceful and centered. I will be guiding you on a vision journey and energy healing experience!
Where? Your phone! After you register, we will be emailing you a conference call number to access the call. 


Go here to RSVP

Much Love and Have a fantastic week!
