a self-love ritual you can actually stick to

Self-love is a term that gets thrown around in the self-help fields like confetti.

I’m here to make it super simple.

When you love and appreciate yourself, your outer world reflects that feeling.

You feel happier, more confident and yes, more in control of your life.

But it requires practice and consistency.

And let’s face it, you may not always have a free hour or two in your day to dedicate to yourself (it’s something to build towards for sure!).

But we all have the same 24 hours in a day.

The question is: How dedicated are you to up-leveling your inner world?

Here are 4 steps to make it super easy!

Step 1: (Prep) Write down all the things that you know bring you closer to your Spirit.

journaling, pulling Angel cards, going for a walk, dancing in your bedroom, meditating, doing a few yoga poses, petting the dog. you get it. dump it out on a list.

Step 2: Pick one ritual every morning when you first open your eyes. Just one. Make it digestible so you can actually be consistent. Anywhere from 5 minutes to 30 minutes I find is ideal for busy bees!

Say aloud, “Today, the ritual that would most nurture my Spirit is….”

Close your eyes if you like and swirl your finger around. If you aren’t sure, ask the Angels to pick for you. Open your eyes and the ritual that’s closest to your finger is the one you do that morning.

Step 3: Actually do the ritual and celebrate!

That’s it! You’re done!

Want an extra boost?

Say this mantra:

When I am consistent, I am clear.

When I am clear, I create space.

When I create space, I come back to myself.

And anything is possible.

This week’s Soul question: What is an activity that you have been putting off that you know would bring you closer to your Spirit? Share with us in the comments below! Nothing like accountability to get your bootie in gear!

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credit: peek-photography.nyc

credit: peek-photography.nyc

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