a new moon, a new you (ritual inside)

Great news!

If you have been feeling heavy energy, had waves of emotional confusion or indecisiveness, the Leo New Moon is here to change all that!

When it comes to your most important relationships, this looks like:

  • Saying the thing you really need/want to say to someone, even if it ruffles a few feathers
  • Setting firm boundaries that put your needs first for once …you have to look out for Numero Uno! (guilt-free!)
  • Boldly declaring your love for another…or declaring that you are done, once and for all!

Leo energy rules the heart and also the back, so right now you’re being asked to really go there with people you care about. And build a new, more solid foundation for the connection…or have the courage to let it go and trust that others will come in to take their place.

Communicate openly, share how you feel and most importantly, let yourself be vulnerable again.

For it’s really only when your heart is open and receptive that you get to experience life at the highest level…and love at the highest level.

And isn’t to be truly loved for who we really are, flaws and all really what we all want deep down?

It starts with self-acceptance. Here is one of my favorite New Moon rituals you can check out for yourself.

A New Moon Ritual

One of my favorite things to do on a New Moon like this is to take a sheet of paper out and light a yummy smelling candle.

Write down 1-5 wishes you’d like to create/develop/manifest, etc during the New Moon period (generally two weeks).

Because it’s in Leo, it’s important that whatever you write down be something that you feel truly passionate about. Something you know will help you move forward. Be specific.

Example 1: Instead of saying…”I wish for more money”, maybe when you search your heart, you find that you don’t really trust yourself to manage the money that is coming in already….so you’re afraid there is never enough.

On your list, “I wish for more money” may become, “I AM an excellent steward of my money” or “Thank you for assistance with helping me be an exceptional manager of the money in my world.”


Example 2: Instead of saying, “I want to get asked on more dates”, maybe you search your heart, and you find that you keep filling up your calendar with work, so you don’t have any time to date!

On your list, “I want to get asked on more dates” may become “Thank you for helping me create space in my heart and my schedule to go on 3 dates a week”

Do you feel the difference?

It may take a bit longer than a regular “Manifesting” List, but when you take the time to really sit with your heart and ask what the deeper desire really is, you’ll create space for miracles to rush in!


Are you looking to find true love but feeling less than excited about putting yourself online?

I’ve been there and I’d love to share some secrets that no one talks about that will save you so much time and valuable energy!

Sign up for my FREE online training: “Top 3 Online Dating Secrets To Stop Wasting Your Time…And Get The Guy!” coming up August 16!

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