Are you in a spirit waiting room? 3 things you can do!
Are you in a spirit “waiting room?”
You know you’re in a spirit waiting room when:
you feel like you are in-between exiting your old life and entering a new, unknown one
you feel pressured to make a decision about your new life but every time you try, your energy gets scattered
You have a deep desire to just escape your current situation or you crave lots and lots of quiet time (even if you’re very outgoing and social normally!)
I call it the “Waiting Room” because it really can feel like being in a doctor’s office. You aren’t usually alone in the waiting room, but you feel like you are. There are those well-worn, boring magazines that are usually not what you want to read, but it makes the time go faster and you can avoid making lots of conversation or eye contact with the other people there. You may have to fill out forms to share what is going on with you, but you can’t seem to find the right words (or you may even feel compelled to write, “I don’t know!”) and you may not know why it’s happening or what the diagnosis is going to be. It can be unnerving and uncomfortable.
But it’s a necessary part of the process of getting to the other side of the counter.
And when it comes to your emotions and your relationships, the waiting room is a time-out AND cause for celebration.. See, if you’re in the “spirit waiting room,” it’s your Soul’s wake-up call that something is getting re-arranged inside of you. Shifted. There may need to be more space for what you say you REALLY want and that entails letting go of what is no longer YOU.
It’s not easily described in words and the answers are never black or white. In fact, during this waiting room period, you may find yourself writing down more questions than insights. And that’s perfect!
The good news is that the Waiting Room is TEMPORARY.
Discomfort is TEMPORARY.
But so often, we want to just skip the waiting room, hop over the counter and just ask for the prescription!
I want to know NOW NOW NOW! Just tell me what’s going to happen so I don’t waste my time with…dating X person, entering into X job, or stressing out about when X is going to happen so I can finally be happy.
Sorry. Your Soul is wiser than that and it just doesn’t work that way!
Yes, we are here to get clarity. Insights? Absolutely. But above all, we are here to EXPERIENCE and GROW.
And if you’re constantly “popping pills” aka trying to take detours to avoid the Waiting Room, you’re just going to wind up attracting in the SAME lesson with different people, jobs or situations in the future.
Popping Pills Can Look Like:
Taking yet ANOTHER class/workshop/certification so you don’t actually have to ever go out there and live your dream
Staying in a stagnant relationship OR avoiding long-term relationships altogether because you’re afraid of what could happen if you allowed yourself to really be vulnerable
Filling up your calendar with busy work, housework or social events so you don’t have to face what’s really going on with your finances
Now, I just made up the 3 situations above, but let’s face it. Those are the big ones: Life Purpose, Love and Money. And they all circle back to your relationship with YOURSELF and what you really really want. Peace of mind. Joy. Confidence and trust in YOU.
So, what CAN you do in the waiting room to avoid losing your mind? (actually that would be good, because then you’d finally hear your intuition!) Just kidding.
<S.A.D> 3 AWESOME Things You Can Do In the Waiting Room
Give up trying to have the whole picture of your new life. Michelangelo said that when we sculpted David, he was freeing the statue from the stone. He didn’t know every single curve ahead of time. He surrendered to the energy of his hands and his intuition. Let go of having to know the end. Focus on the here and now.
It sounds basic, but are you feeding yourself nutritious food or are you escaping into comfort food? Are you taking time to move your body or staying in one place all day? Even 10 minutes can make a world of difference! You’ll also be able to tune into the subtle frequencies of your intuition when you’re not being still, lost in negative, fearful thoughts
It sounds hokey and simplistic, but this really works. One time when I was in the Spirit waiting room freaking out about a guy I was dating and what I should do, I literally allowed myself to space out in a park everyday. I just sat there. Every other day. And stared up at the sky. Or the trees. Very Ferdinand the Bull. Sometimes nothing magical happened, but I felt more connected to myself. But one day, I came back home and had to write down a 4-page download I received for a new program I wanted to launch that I could never have seen if I had been “thinking” it into existence. And soon after, the relationship in question was no longer a question and I had a great heart-to-heart.
Post your insights to any of the following in the comments section!
“Have YOU ever felt like you were in a Spirit Waiting Room?”
What is one thing that helped you while you were there?”
Which of the 3 S.A.D steps will you implement this week?
For more, consider booking a private reading here or exploring 1:1 Coaching with Diana.