Confession: My name is Diana Dorell, The CEO Psychic and I am a Sex and the City junkie.
I own the majority of the episodes on DVD’s and I can give you a quote from every character it’s kind of ridiculous.
Here’s one of my favorites:
“The fact is, sometimes it’s really hard to walk in a single woman’s shoes.
That’s why we need really special ones now and then to make the walk a little more fun.”-Carrie Bradshaw
In my 20’s, I used the above quote to justify A LOT of my purchases, including 4 inch Via Spiga leopard stilettos (and they were discounted!), thigh-high lime-green leather stiletto boots (I only wore them once, but they were SO cool!). But then there are my black and purple suede 40’s style, silver-bow buckled heels ( I confess they are Aerosoles but CUTE aerosoles!) that I have worn so much that my sweetheart actually said with 100% sincerity, “Diana, I thought those were the only dressy shoes you owned because you always wear them on our dates!” (ouch!)
But…………. how does this story apply to YOU?
(I can read your mind. I’m psychic!)
Where in your life do you justify purchasing things that you KNOW just give you instant gratification and a false sense of happiness…..only to find that you never (or rarely) actually use them or feel differently after you get them?
What in your life COULD you be investing in that you keep putting off because it’s scary, would require more accountability or would take you out of your comfort zone?
Before you make ANY decision….
1. Breathe.
Seriously, it’s simple and we try to make it all complicated!
Taking a few deep breaths will still your mind and help you make a choice that feels right for you vs. an anxiety, adrenaline-induced one.
2. Ask yourself:
*”Is this in line with my values?” (That’s a quick YES or NO. Stop over-thinking it!)
*Will this help me grow and move closer to where I want to be?
*Does this make me feel EXPANSIVE?
3. Take Action!
Often times, the thing we most need to do is also the most scary.Whenever we change a pattern, our subconscious mind can go AWOL!
“I don’t want to change! What if it doesn’t work out? It didn’t work last time. I am not ready. I am not good enough…lalalalalalal <white noise>”
When you feel EXPANSIVE, excited and yes, sometimes scared/nervous/mind throwing a temper tantrum, that’s a KILLER combination.
Because it’s your TRUTH.
And everything holding you back from your truth is being shaken up and held up to that crazy fluorescent light for you to acknowledge and release.
So you can stop operating from “instant gratification/monkey mind” and start coming from a “calm/confident, CLEAR, FUN space” (notice I didn’t use the word mind…our most profound “problems” are rarely solved there)
I’m rooting for you. I’m in your corner.
And I love you. (and I’m going to rock my suede 40’s style heels because they passed the test above. I swear.)
PS: If LOVE is what you know you need/want/have been avoiding, let this be your Spiritual nudge:
Registration closes TONIGHT at 12 midnight EST/9pm PST for “Looking for Love in All the Right Places” 3 week teleseminar.
Check it out and have a fabulous day rockin your shoes (bonus points if they are stilettos).
Diana xo