Listen to Your Heart
/0 Comments/in Advice and Tips, Goddess Guidance /by Diana DorellHappy last week of 2021!
As we close out this year, I pulled a card for all of our community: Listen to Your Heart.

I also am drawn to the number 7 on the card, which represents a spiritual awakening of sorts.
An opening.
You may have really been tested this year with relationships and gotten more clear on what works for you.
What doesn’t.
And where you need to trust yourself more.
It’s important to reflect on where you have been so you can take those lessons into 2022.
For those of you that would like to go deeper, here are some things you can ask yourself or journal around to close out the year. NOTE: I say “one thing” to give you a structure and staring point but feel free to do 50+ things!!!
- One thing I’m proud of from this year was…
- One thing that tested me this year was…
- One way I’ve grown this year is…
- One thing I will never accept again is…
- One thing I know I need to be more receptive to is…
- One thing I know will support me as I walk into 2022 is…
It’s been such an honor to have you in my community.
I hope to bring you more content and stories next year that empower you to trust and love yourself and create an amazing relationship, starting with the one with you.
If you have ideas of what you’d lie to see in the newsletter, please share it here. I’d love to hear from you!
How I Really Feel About the Law of Attraction
/0 Comments/in Advice and Tips, Intuition and Decision-Making, Manifesting /by Diana DorellHappy Winter Solstice!
I’ve been loving wearing layers and fuzzy slippers, spacing out looking at all theXmas lights and lighting candles are the home.
How about you?
As we draw close to the end of 2021, a lot of the conversations I’ve had with friends and clients and colleagues have all kinda circled around the same thing-law of attraction!
And when it comes to relationships, I feel strongly called to explore a different perspective with you because I feel like there’s a lot of negative self-talk and self-blame around it!
Here’s my feeling on the Law of Attraction: as always, follow your own intuition-I’m just sharing my two cents.
Sometimes, yes, we attract people are in our lives that ‘match’ us energetically nd it can e uncomfortable to see that if you keep attracting people you don’t want, you may need to look at where you yourself are exhibiting the same pattern (perhaps in another area of your life.) When you clean that up, you may find you attract this pattern less.
And… I always want to throw out there that sometimes people are in your space simply to show you how committed (or uncommitted) you are to what you desire.
It’s a really delicate line but it’s so easy to go into a downward spiral thinking, “What’s wrong with me that I attracted ANOTHER emotionally unavailable guy?”
Instead, you can choose to see it as an opportunity to say, “Wow-thank you for the reminder that I no longer am available for unavailable men. I am more clean than ever before on this!”
Then, the next time your body sends you those clean, unmistakable red flags that you are about to fall into an all-familiar pattern, you just won’t engage with it or let it go further than it should.
And with that newly strengthened commitment to YOU, it may feel less scary to take the actions that you know would support you.
If he isn’t calling or responding to you, instead of going into overdrive and texting, emailing and leaving voicemails for him, you back off and go about your day.
If you’re always the friend who is reaching out to make plans, stop making plans and see if your friend steps up (or have that conversation about how you’d love to shift the dynamic!)
If you keep getting passed over for promotion at work, instead of your old pattern of holding it all in, you make a list of all the contributions you’ve made to the company over the past sex months and schedule a time to meet with your boss.
Q: Now I ask you. What is one brae action you have already taken or will take in service to your dreams?
Any thoughts on Law of Attraction to share?
I’d love to hear from you!
Have an amazing Xmas if you celebrate it and rest of your week.
How to Let Go of Attachments That Aren’t Serving You
/0 Comments/in Advice and Tips, Big Transitions, Intuition and Decision-Making, Uncategorized /by Diana DorellHow to Keep Going, Even When You Aren’t Seeing What You Want
/0 Comments/in Advice and Tips, Love, Relationships /by Diana DorellDear Goddess,
Did you happen to see the Solar Eclipse on Saturday?
It was so beautiful and it was in the sign of Sagittarius which surrounds themes of
- optimism
- expansion/unlimited possibility
- international/foreign connections
- sharp wit and blunt communication
- fun and more!
It’s also a good week to really tune into your intuition’s nudges on what is more near and dear to your heart.
You may yearn for a soulmate partnership.
Someone to hold you, adore you and do life with you.
You may have put yourself on so many dating apps but no one seems to be right, no one messages you…
Or you do have a wonderful date and then you need hear from them again,
Or they are married,
Or they are ‘not in a place to be in a committed relationship.’
No matter the situation, it can feel really discouraging and frustrating to keep going, and to stay positive when there’s no sign in sight of what you’re yearning for.
I’ve been in this situation countless times in the past and after witnessing and holding space for private clients over the past 11 years, here are 3 beliefs to consider:
- I wouldn’t have the desire if the thing I’m desiring wasn’t already here in the Universal Field. It is happening in exact Divine timing and I won’t miss it. Yes, I know that’s annoying to hear, but if you adopt the mindset of “The Universe is on my side and will deliver what is truly meant for me at the perfect time,” then you can chill and relax if something doesn’t seem to be happening ASAP. It’s Divine timing. You can still date and practice staying open and relaxed to receiving without attachment or gripping.
- Everything that happens is an opportunity for me to commit more truly to what I want. When Jess-than-aligned partners present themselves, you can choose to see it as an opportunity to commit even more to the type of relationship you want vs worrying about “why you attracted this.” (Honestly, sometimes it’s just showing up to test you on how committed you are to what you say you desire!)
- When in doubt, cut it out! As you peer honestly at the actions you are taking and the relationships currently in your life, heck, even the books and TV shows you are reading, where are you contradicting what you say you want? Example: If you say you want to meet someone (like your forever person) but you are addicted to watching TV shows where all the characters are having one-night stands, that’s what’s being embedded in your psyche. It may be time to make new choices. If you’re not sure if something you’re doing or someone you are engaging with on a regular basis is healthy and aligned with the desires of your heart, it may be time to cut it out and replace with new activities.
The more you can observe yourself with grace, compassion and honesty, and align with the natural timing of the Universe, the easier it will be to know when to take action and when to just be in trust!
Q: Which one of these are you going to play with this week?
Let me know in the comments and if you’d like to go deeper, I am SO excited to have 10 spots available for 2021 Healing Release Sessions!
How it works:
These are different than getting an intuitive reading in that you will be given an exercise to complete before we speak to maximize the release energy. Then we will hop on the phone or Zoom for the energy activation and release to let go of heavy stuck enemy and anything you already to say bye bye to. And then you’ll be given a personalised directive to seal off that energy after we are done. This is really special because I no longer offer one-off energy healing sessions so if you’ve to get in and clear some heavy stuff, jump in!
These are $297 USD and I will be booking all of them before the Winter Solstice on the 21st.
Next steps:
- Go here to book (if I already have 11 spots full, I will refund you!)
- You will receive an email within 24 hours to boo a specific day and time and also receive your pre-session exercise.
- These will go quickly! Once they are gone, they are gone.
Have an amazing week!
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