When should you tell this to your date?
/0 Comments/in Advice and Tips, Intuition and Decision-Making, Love, Relationships /by Diana DorellHappy Wednesday!
Today is Q+A time, where I take questions from you, the fabulous Goddess community.
Today’s question is about abstinence: “Dear Diana, I practice abstinence-plan to wait until marriage…and am wondering when is a good time to bring that up? Should I say it right on the first date or wait? Thanks!”
A: This is a great question and there is a balance between how much and what to share up front and what to wait to share, without wasting anyone’s time or withholding.
Check out my response here:
Should you date someone recently divorced?
/2 Comments/in Advice and Tips, Intuition and Decision-Making, Love, Most Popular Posts, Relationships /by Diana DorellYour December Message is Here!
/0 Comments/in Goddess Guidance, Intuition and Decision-Making, Love, Manifesting, Relationships, Spiritual Tools /by Diana DorellHow to Gracefully Decline a Holiday Invitation (3 Tips)
/0 Comments/in Advice and Tips, Goddess Guidance, Intuition and Decision-Making, Most Popular Posts /by Diana Dorell2020 has been anything but predictable and the holiday season is no different.
With COVID-19, and a bunch of other energetic factors, you’d think it would be super easy to bow out of *optional-but-let’s-be-honest-required* family functions you’d rather avoid. And while that’s the case for some, it’s still helpful to have some things in your back pocket if you’re just not feeling it.
You can use these tips for things outside the holidays too.
So…you don’t want to accept something…you may feel guilty.
But…in your heart of hearts, the idea of skipping out makes your heart skip a beat.
What. To. Do…here are 3 tips for you:
- Blame it on Coronavirus. Yea- I’m not breaking new ground here with this one, but I would be remiss to leave it off the list!
- Manage Expectations: The sooner you know you aren’t planning on going, set the expectation that you cannot go, but that if anything should change, they will be the first to know. Most people do the reverse and tease that they ‘might’ go when really they have zero intention of making an appearance. Don’t be that person.
- Cite Personal Growth: This one is my favorite and of course, it works best like all of these when it’s true! You are deciding to bow out not due to anything on their end at all, but more because you’ve overcommitted. Example, “In my effects to take better care of myself, I realize that I have taken on too many things and need to bow out. I really appreciate the invitation though and thank you for thinking of me!”
That’s it. Short and sweet this week.
Q: Which one are you going play with the next time you’re invited to something you don’t want to go to?
Let me know by leaving a comment below!
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