your July goddess guidance video’s up!

Happy July!

Are you ready for some new energy?

I love that today’s newsletter falls on July 1, the first day of a pivotal, liberating month.

If you are new to my community, welcome! I’m so glad you are here.

I’ve put together a video with the overview of what you can expect this month and I decided to experiment!

Usually when I do these, I pull cards ahead of time and interpret them ahead of time.

This month, I pulled them…but did not turn them over until I made the video!

So you get to see real-time channeling and I love being surprised by Spirit!

It’s a great month for relationships and the 3 key words are:

  • Independence
  • Rebirth
  • Regeneration

Watch it below and after you do, please leave a comment-I’d love to hear what you think!

3 tips to be a love magnet this summer!

Whenever there is a change of season, it’s a great opportunity to reflect on what’s important to you and where you want to go next.

If love is on your brain, and you are desiring deeper connections and intimacy with the relationships in your life (or wanting to call one in), you’ll love today’s video!

I share 3 tips you can implement to be a love magnet this summer!

Go here to watch and check it out.

Q: Which one of these tips will you implement this week? Share below!

ps: Would you like some deeper support this summer? Let’s 
schedule a complimentary consultation call to learn more about how I can help you!

are you ready to stop ‘effort-ing’ so much?

Awhile back I was listening to the fabulous Kyle Cease riff on this idea of less effort, time and other gems.

But what struck me the most was when he shared how as a society we have gotten so addicted to filling our minds and our schedules with meaningless activities.

Basically ‘fillers’ so we don’t have to be still and actually listen to the whispers of our heart.

Oh snap! Guilty…

Cue endless brain-cell killing episodes of Love is Blind on Netflix…

Taking it a step further, I invite you to consider this-where do you mindlessly fill your time and schedule with these “fillers?”

When it comes to relationships, a big complaint I hear from both men and women is…

 “I’m not getting what I need from them (partner/lover, etc). How can I get them to give me more and pay more attention to me?”

A: Sure, naturally I want to share with you….shift your focus away from what you’re not receiving and focus on what you are, but even deeper than that…

<drumroll please>

Be a safe space to receive…

This is from Kyle Cease-I can’t take credit for it but it’s brilliant.

The more you grasp and cling to a particular thing, anything really, the faster it goes away.

Because you’re not a safe place to come to when you’re grasping and needy.

Instead, be a safe space to receive…some ways to be that?

  • Practice exceptional self-care. 

You can’t expect someone to give you what you aren’t willing to give yourself.

  • Be ruthless around how you use your time.

Go back to the fillers question-how could eliminating just one of your fillers free up blank space in your head, your heart, your day? 

Time is the only thing you can never get back, so if you’re busy filling it with crap so you don’t have to be still, there is no space to receive anything…

  • Discipline yourself to wait for an answer when it’s time vs. going after immediate anxiety-provoked gratification.

If you have a question, let it linger. Meditate on it. Let it go. Trust that when you’re meant to know, you will!

Q: Which one of these “receiver” tips will you implement this week? Share with me in the comments!

ps: Want to slow your roll? Check out my popular guided meditations in the store! 

on dating multiple people-good idea or not?

Have you ever had friends or even a coach tell you to date more than one person at the same time?

If you tend to be someone who is a one-person-kinda-goddess, this dating tip can feel weird or off-putting.

But when you understand the right way to do it, it can actually help you increase your chances of attracting a quality relationship. 

Without feeling icky or inauthentic, which is key!

Watch here or prefer to read? Scroll down!

1. Stay objective

Dating multiple people at once helps you get to know whether or not you have compatible values, relationship goals and how you feel about yourself when you are with them…without getting so emotionally attached to one before you know who they actually are!

Now, notice I said dating multiple people, not sleeping with multiple people.

In this sense, dating meaning going out, having conversations and getting to know each other.

2. Commit for the right reasons

Putting all your energy into one person or sleeping with someone too early before you know where they stand in relation to what you truly want can muddy the waters and make you attach prematurely and for the wrong reasons.

Getting to know multiple people can help you sift through what you truly want and make sure you are moving towards a shared goal together. And if it’s not right, it’s easier to move on! 

3. Honesty is key.

Until you have an exclusive arrangement (which is a conversation you both have with each other), you are not obligated to share that you are seeing other people. Particularly if you are not being physically intimate with anyone.

However, if you want to disclose that, that is totally up to you. If asked, and you want to say something, you could say, “I’m getting to know a few people right now and when exclusivity is discussed with anyone, of course that will change things.”

The more you can follow these 3 principles, the more you can increase your chances of picking the right person to move forward with!

Q: Which principle spoke to you the most? Share by leaving a comment here and make sure you grab your free gift: 7 Goddess Secrets to Up Your Confidence Now!

Are you ready to feel safe to express yourself?
Join Awaken: 21 Days To Embrace Your Inner Goddess!

Your June Goddess Guidance Oracle message is inside!

Happy June!

Wohooo! We made it to June!

What can you expect for the month?

Check out this month’s Goddess Guidance Oracle message video, where I pull a card for each week of the month AND give you some key dates to watch out for (this June has several you’ll want to mark down!)

Go here to check it out below.

ps: I am so thrilled to see all of you signed up for this month’s Awaken: 21 Days to Embrace Your Inner Goddess! If you would like to join us, regular registration is still open, so go here to secure your spot! We kick off June 14!