not feeling supported? do this!

Happy Wednesday Goddess!

We all want to feel supported and appreciated am I right?

And when you aren’t, life can feel frustrating and hard.

You can start to feel resentful and question yourself.

If you’re in partnership, this can amplify things even more.

How can you get more support without coming across as a nag?

I’d love to offer you a new perspective on this so you can get the support you need:

Listen here!

Have an amazing week!!

is it too soon?

Happy Wed!

Where is somewhere you dream of going in the world?

For the longest time, mine was Italy! Right now, my obsession is Paris. I’ve never been and it’s definitely happening this year or next at the latest.

Today’s Q comes from anonymous: “Diana, how do you know if you’re ready to travel with your S.O? When is it too soon or not a good idea?”

This is a GREAT question as travel can bring out a lot!

Knowing when it’s a good idea and under what intentions is so important.

Click below to have a listen to the response

And remember, no matter what, you are beautiful. you are loved. you are enough!

Have an awesome rest of your week Goddess!

is it time to delete their number?

Happy Wed!

Have you been feeling the need for a spring cleaning?

It’s the perfect time to release what no longer serves and …

Today’s Q+A is: “Diana, how do I know when it’s time to delete an ex out of my phone? Is there a right time?”

This seems like an obvious question, but deleting someone (anyone-ex or not) out of your phone can bring up a lot of emotions.

Click below to listen to the response.

As always, thank you for being here!

Have an amazing week.

magical March!

Happy Wednesday! It’s a powerful month filled with possibility and because of mercury retrograde (a time when communication, travel and people from the past come up to remind you to slow down, review what’s important to you and move forward with clarity), and I wanted to share an intuitive goddess message for each week this month!

My good friend Helena Hart asked me to do this for her community, so today I’m sharing the full video with you! Watch below!


what to do when you feel ignored via text

Have you ever sent off a text that was really important and heart felt to you only to get crickets coming back?

The more time passes, the easier it is to go into a downward spiral of why the person isn’t responding and the story you tell yourself can get more and more gnarly!

Why aren’t they replying back?
Why are they ignoring me?
Should I not have sent it?
Do they hate me?
What did I do wrong?
Why aren’t they responding? 

And on and on it goes.

Your Ego can fall to the floor, you’re in your head and unable to stop obsessing and you feel your self esteem and self worth quickly spiraling…down, down, down..

Especially if it’s someone you love, really really like and respect.

Ever been there?

Here’s a new perspective to try on and some suggestions of what you can do to catch yourself before you go down the “they didn’t reply black hole” 🙂

< listen to the audio below >