How to trust yourself after a betrayal (Q+A video)

Q: I was in a relationship and we just broke up. The guy cheated on me. I want to find love but I find it really hard to trust myself again. Is my intuition just bad? Help!

In this video you will learn:

  • The truth about our intuition that will free up any mental anxiety
  • A juicy question you can ask yourself to help you trust your intuition ASAP, especially after a betrayal
  • My good cop/bad cop response to cheating….with a healthy dose of love mixed in

Watch it now:

Q: Have you ever been betrayed? What helped you trust yourself in love again? Share with us in the comments below!

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whoa…this brought up all my shi&

This weekend I was listening to the fabulous Dr. Christiane Northrup on Hay House Radio and one of the things she talked about was this idea of Divine Love and how if more people on the planet tapped into self-love, like real authentic self-love based on accepting ourselves and speaking kindly to ourselves, we would always have more than enough.

She said that Divine Love is infinite and there is this infinite supply; it is basically your connection to Source, and whenever we shut someone out of our heart, judge ourselves or another or see ourselves as separate from the whole, we feel pain and suffering.

Life feels rough, we feel isolated and walls come up that block love from coming in.

It reminded me of all the times in love that I felt let down or let someone else down.

The great guy that just stopped calling me with no explanation….after I opened my heart up and got vulnerable.

Or the time a man asked me to move to San Diego with him and marry him…and I told him I was moving to San Francisco and didn’t think he was the One.

Or the time that I really thought I had the whole positive body-image thing down…and then proceeded to consume a whole box of Oreos and berate my body with toxic thoughts.


Self-love is an ongoing journey.

I realized that in each of the scenarios above, Divine Love was always available to me.

I could choose to stand in that Love for myself …regardless if someone didn’t mirror it back (guy #1).

I could choose to be lovingly truthful (with guy #2) and still exude Divine Love his way.

And I could choose to love my body and look at what was really driving my eating choices instead of beating myself up about it.

You always have a choice.

This week’s Love Mantra (from Christiane Northrup). Say as often as you like, but especially during those times when you feel separate, alone, lonely or just less-than-connected.

“I now invite Divine Love to work through me. I now accept Divine Love.”

For extra fun, one of the exercises you can do that I have my private clients check out is called the Divine Love Bird.

How to do it:  You start by literally standing up and putting your arms out to a T-position. Inhale and bring your arms forward and touch your palms together as you bring Divine love in. On the exhale, open your arms out as your expand that Divine Love out to the world.

Q: Have you ever shut love out? What helped you to open up again? What realizations did you come to? Share with us in the comments below!

Want more?

Are you ready to call in love and let go of your love blocks?

One of my special gifts is helping my clients let go of their ex and other subconscious-level blocks that are stopping you from attracting your soulmate.13001296_10207626001946930_3084101872715200163_n.jpg

I am currently enrolling just a handful of action-taking, ready-for-love Souls (are you one of them?) for private, 1:1 intuitive coaching and massive energy healing.

If you are ready to make some major changes in your love life but aren’t sure where to start, I am happy to announce that I have opened up my calendar to take a select number of complimentary consultations (15-20 minutes) to

  1. Get to know you and your desires better. Are you looking to get married? Just out of a breakup and looking to heal? Wanting to work on yourself and self-love so you can get back in the dating game? Fill me in!
  2. There are 4 core blocks I see that stop you from being a love magnet. With your permission, we can do an energetic Love Assessment to see which of the 4 or which combos of the 4 are your primary blocks.
  3. We can chat about solutions to help you un-block and work together and I will of course answer all your questions about that! By booking a consult you are never obligated to purchase any services. It is simply the first step in helping you make a decision to move forward.

Click here to book yours! I’m excited to connect with you.

ready to bring in the new? here’s your june message

Are you ready for the new? June’s energy is like a large gust of wind coming in, sweeping in new opportunities, sweeping out old and outdated things and people in your life and we all get a chance to get back on the horse and start over!

In this video I share:

  • The three key actions June is inviting you to take to maximize your month
  • A Goddess Guidance oracle card message to bring it all together
  • Lots of uplifting, loving vibes from me to you to have an awesome fresh start!

Watch it below.

Want to learn more about how I can help you let go of your love blocks and prepare for your soul mate?

One of my special gifts is helping my clients let go of their ex and other subconscious-level blocks that are stopping you from attracting your soulmate.

I am currently enrolling just a handful of action-taking, ready-for-love Souls (are you one of them?) for private, 1:1 intuitive coaching and massive energy healing.

13001296_10207626001946930_3084101872715200163_n.jpgIf you are ready to make some major changes in your love life but aren’t sure where to start, I am happy to announce that I have opened up my calendar to take a select number of complimentary consultations (15-20 minutes) to

  1. Get to know you and your desires better. Are you looking to get married? Just out of a breakup and looking to heal? Wanting to work on yourself and self-love so you can get back in the dating game? Fill me in!
  2. There are 4 core blocks I see that stop you from being a love magnet. With your permission, we can do an energetic Love Assessment to see which of the 4 or which combos of the 4 are your primary blocks.
  3. We can chat about solutions to help you un-block and work together and I will of course answer all your questions about that! By booking a consult you are never obligated to purchase any services. It is simply the first step in helping you make a decision to move forward.

Click here to book a complimentary “What’s My Love Block?” Assessment call!

a surefire sign you’re on the brink of a breakthrough (most people misinterpret this!)

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image via

Last week, I shared an exercise from my private coaching files to help you clarify what is important to you in a partnership so that you don’t lose the gems that your exes left behind.

Missed it? Check it out here.

Today I want to chat about one of the most crucial steps that shows up in the manifestation process that most people avoid dealing with…or worse, they mistake for a sign that they are on the wrong path and end up exactly where they were before-comfortable but stagnant and bored/frustrated/etc. Specifically in relationships.

On more than one occasion I have tripped myself up on it and it wasn’t until I learned that it was simply a surefire sign that I was right on the edge of pulling in some major awesome-ness that I stopped giving it so much power and started to actually enjoy it!

I’ll give you a hint. It starts with an R.

The big R is resistance.

What do I mean by this?

It’s an almost knee-jerk response or series of thoughts that arise usually when you are:

  1. About to do something that you’ve never done before that you know is going to help you but….you’ve never done it before. (fear of the new without guarantees)
  2. Stretching out of your comfort zone in one or more ways (emotionally, financially, etc)
  3. Triggered by a past memory that is associated with the new thing presented to you. (fear of feeling bad again)

Your subconscious is designed to keep you safe. It likes guarantees. Given the choice between a lukewarm familiar choice and an innovative, different choice, it will do everything in its power to convince your logical mind that the familiar choice is better. Even if you are not seeing the results that you want to see. So crazy right?

Anything that is outside the default setting is going to bring up a “warning! Red alert!” vibe in it because it perceives danger. And so we think we are on the wrong path, but that’s not true!

In relationships, this is usually the step right before some major self-sabotaging happens.


You have been declaring that this is the year you will meet your soulmate and get married. You meet someone for a first date. Let’s call him Mr. Man. All is going well. You enjoy the conversation, you feel the chemistry running through you, you enjoy spending time with them and you even agree to see them again. You go on two more great dates where you feel treated like a Goddess. You feel so happy and sexy. You wonder when he’s going to call again and he does! (faster than you expected). And then on the next date, he asks you if you want to take it to the next level and stop seeing other people. He says he really likes you and wants to have the opportunity to really get to know each other and see if this has any future potential.

Thud. All of a sudden, the energy shifts.  You start judging the person in front of you. They are too tall. They are just not smart enough. What if the sex is terrible? Are they crazy? Why are they going so fast? There must be something wrong with them. Why are they being so nice and calling or texting too much/not enough?

All signs of internal resistance to letting yourself be happy and explore the potential.

You may even have a physical response to the experience. Temperature changes, mood changes, anger, etc.

And your logical mind will tell you that you’re right.

That this person is indeed crazy. He’s not for you. It’s too much. Who does he think he is anyway? Why is he being so direct? There’s got to be a catch. Done. You’re done…..

And poor Mr. Man just asked you a question. But that question just brought up all your shit.

Of all the ways you maybe don’t feel ready to let him see the real you.

Where you feel unlovable or undeserving.

Or just plain scared of losing your freedom as you know it now and actually getting what you want.

This is the point where resistance can be seen for what it is (your natural internal triggers of the unfamiliar rubbing up against your past or your future) and dealt with…or you can go onto sabotaging which is what most people do if you are unconscious about what’s happening.

So you text your ex even though you swore to your friend you’d delete his number.

You may even go as far as seeing him,

Mr. Man calls and texts to see if you’re okay and you blow him off or block his number.

And you go back on to see what other hotties winked at you.

Sabotage begins.

And at the end of the resistance that turned into sabotage, your subconscious decided Mr. Man’s fate before he even got a fair shot at truly getting to know you.

You’re back to square one and it feels like shit. You wonder if there are just no good men out there and your confidence drops.

It’s a very familiar loop. But the good news is, you can change it.

Step Out of Resistance Land

You are that powerful.

It all starts by noticing your energy shift.

And the next step is just saying, “I feel some resistance right now.”

 Breathe and be with it not against it.

Just the simple but powerful act of calling your resistance out can be the catalyst to put your subconscious mind on pause. Then you can actually see what it’s trying to tell you before you go on autopilot and move into sabotage land.

Expanding on the Mr. Man example above…

If you had used the steps I just mentioned, what may have happened was that you gave yourself space to see that some of the subconscious fears and thoughts that got triggered by his question were: (hypothetically)

*I don’t like my body right now. What if we have sex and he laughs at me?
Truth: I want to feel good in my body. Start dance class again on Monday.

*I feel like I need to get my shit together because he seems to and who wants to be with someone who doesn’t?
Truth: I want to get my finances together. Call credit card company and negotiate a lower rate.

*I really like this guy but I’m not ready to stop dating other people just yet.
Truth: I have to tell him how I feel and risk that he may not want to see me again.

Then perhaps you could have had a dialogue with Mr. Man that went something like this:

“I really love that you asked me that but I feel a little hesitant to be exclusive just yet, although eventually that’s what I want too. It’s bringing up some of my fears and I really like you. Could we continue to see each other and then revisit this in a few weeks?”

Now, granted, that does take a willingness to be vulnerable, but if true love is really what you want, and if Mr. Man is a real contender, he won’t be turned off by this. He’ll honor your pace and then whatever is supposed to unfold between you can, without the filter of knee-jerk resistance coming up to block your connection!

10363775_10202795961518938_2428182819912217634_nQ: Have you ever felt resistance come up in your relationships? How did you deal with it? What was the outcome?

Share with us in the comments below and want more free training to help you love yourself and let go of your love blocks?

Click here

ready to kick your old pattern to the curb? do this!

Q: I’m newly back in the dating game and am really trying to be mindful to not repeat the same patterns from old relationships. I’m ready for the real deal-I’ve looked at each ex and gotten clear on what didn’t work in that relationship (I even made a list!), but is there anything else I can do to help me prepare for someone new? Am I missing something?

A: Great question! There are so many things you can do to prepare, but for now, let’s focus on the list that you made. It’s awesome that you are diving deep into what didn’t work for you in the past so you can make different choices with the new person you want to call in.

However, in addition to making a list of the things that didn’t work, I invite you to look at your last 3 relationships (even if they didn’t work out) and write down the feelings or positive things that these men brought to you. I know this may sound strange, especially if your ex was a douche bag, but when you shift your perspective to see in what ways that relationship DID support you, even if it’s simply showing you something about yourself, you’ll see common threads. And those common threads become what I call your love threads. Those things that help you flourish in a partnership.

For example, when I did this exercise a few years ago, I saw that the last 3 people I dated seriously all brought the following gifts to me: the gift of sensitivity (emotional sensitivity to me and to the people I cared about), a spirit of generosity (these men all had generous hearts and also loved to make sure I felt taken care of) and a strong family connection (shared value of family). Now, those relationships didn’t work out for various other reasons, but when I saw the common threads, I understood that those three things were really really important to me in a partner. So, when I got back out into the dating game, after a date, I’d ask,

  1. Do they give off an energy of sensitivity to what I’m saying and to the people around them (how did they treat the waiter, the lady in front of us, etc).?
  2. Were they generous or were they guarded with their giving?
  3. (If it came up) What is their relationship to family? Is it important or are they strictly flying solo in life?

Knowing your love threads can help you filter out who to see again and who to politely decline.

And that’s power.

This week’s Soul Q: What is your love thread? Pick one and share with us in the comments below!


Want to learn more about how I can help you let go of your love blocks and prepare for your soul mate?

One of my special gifts is helping my clients let go of their ex and other subconscious-level blocks that are stopping you from attracting your soulmate.

I am currently enrolling just a handful of action-taking, ready-for-love Souls (are you one of them?) for private, 1:1 intuitive coaching and massive energy healing.

If you are ready to make some major changes in your love life but aren’t sure where to start, I am happy to announce that I have opened up my calendar to take a select number of complimentary consultations (15-20 minutes) to

  1. Get to know you and your desires better. Are you looking to get married? Just out of a breakup and looking to heal? Wanting to work on yourself and self-love so you can get back in the dating game? Fill me in!
  2. There are 4 core blocks I see that stop you from being a love magnet. With your permission, we can do an energetic Love Assessment to see which of the 4 or which combos of the 4 are your primary blocks.
  3. We can chat about solutions to help you un-block and work together and I will of course answer all your questions about that! By booking a consult you are never obligated to purchase any services. It is simply the first step in helping you make a decision to move forward.

Click here to book a complimentary “What’s My Love Block?” Assessment call!