The #1 Rookie Manifesting Mistake I Made (So You Don’t Make it Too!)

A few years back, I was living in the SF Bay Area and dancing professionally with a group in the Mission District.

One particularly grueling, sweat-filled rehearsal, we got a 20 minute lunch break and  yours truly in her infinite wisdom, totally spaced on bringing snacks or a lunch.

My options and time were limited.

But across the street was McD’s.

Now, I truly would rather gone anywhere else, but with 16 minutes and counting left until I had to summon some massive cosmic energy to dance for another few hours, I decided to take my chances.

I apologized in advance to my body.

“Hello, Welcome to McDonalds. Can me help you?” a friendly lady with a heavy accent asked me.

“Um, yea, I’ll have the McChicken, but please…just put lettuce and tomato. None of that sauce stuff.”

She looked at me kinda weird, like I said something in Sanskrit to her, but she nodded, tapped her buttons, I paid and she told me to move aside and wait for my number.

Time left to eat: 7 minutes.

Oh. My. Goddess my tummy was rumbling. I could taste the rubbery chicken in my mouth and all I could think of was grabbing it, scarfing it down and sprinting back to the studio.

“Number 7!”


I grabbed it and just ran to the studio, figuring I could have 1 minute of peaceful eating on the floor.

I ran up the stairs, picked a corner and tore open the yellow wrapping like a starved dog.

And I took a bite. Bliss was coming.

But something tasted funny.

It seemed a little light.

I opened the sandwich and what was there?

Lots of lettuce. And. Tomato. Only.

Wrapped in bread.

The chicken was M.I.A.

The Lesson: PeekPhotographyDorall-0949

I wanted to cry and yell at that lady so bad, but it taught me an important lesson on manifesting.

Here it is.

Watch your words. You have to be specific.

I asked for lettuce and tomato only and well…that’s exactly what I got.

I could have blamed it on the lady’s limited English or I could take full responsibility as a powerful manifesting Goddess and next time, just clarify.

I chose the latter after that day.

Over to you:

This week’s Soul question- Have you ever made a request that was too vague and then gotten a vague answer or result back? What’s one specific thing you’d like to bring in for yourself this week? Leave a comment and let’s help circulate that into the Uni-verse!

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Click here to sign up for FREE weekly updates + I’ll also throw in a FREE manifesting gift…’cause that’s how I roll!

Much Love!


what’s your personal year vibration? find out inside!

How to Calculate Your Personal Year Number in 2016 and why that’s important!

You are a unique Soul and each year, there is a specific theme or vibration to help you tap into the lessons you came here to learn. I call it your Personal Year Number.

While the Universal energy of 2016 is a “9” (2+0+1+6=9) and that will definitely play a role in how you experience your year, think of it as an overcoat, with your Personal Year Vibration being your undies, the things you wear everyday 🙂

It’s super easy and fun!

Step 1: Add your day of birth and month of birth together.

Example: If your birthday is January 1, it would be 1+1=2

Step 2: Add the number above to the current 2016 year (9) and reduce to a single digit

Example: 2+9=11 1+1=2. Personal Year of 2.

Step 3: Voila! You know your Personal Year Number.

What it all means: What are Your Personal Year Themes?

If your Personal Year Number is a….

1-A great year to dive into a new adventure, blaze a new trail, go at it alone and stop waiting for other people to get on board with a great idea you have before you start. In short, it is a year “all about you” and that’s okay! Key words: risk-taking, adventure and trusting yourself

2-A year of partnership, learning how to work in a team, even if that team is calling on Spirit more. It’s a gentle vibration and your key words: “compassion, seeing two sides of the story and putting relationships first

3-A year of creativity, learning how to take your multiple passions and have fun! Your social calendar may be full this year, so it will be important for you to check in with yourself and only say yes to the invites that light you up! You may want to look into a creative class or new hobby…or just change your hair. Key words: Beauty, creativity, joy

4-A year of hard work, setting structures in place that will create a strong foundation for a successful and secure year. A chance to tear everything down and re-build it again based on who you are now vs. who you were. Financial education, investments and tackling inner beliefs around worthiness is par for the course. Key words: structure, getting a schedule, managing your money and time

5-A year of travel, change and communication. Anything goes in this year and it may feel like things change on a dime, but know that it’s all in your favor, even when it seems irritating. A great year to put yourself out there speaking, writing, traveling and designing something new. Key words: movement, change and communication in all forms

6-A year of birthing something, getting situated on the homefront and dealing with family dynamics. This energy is also about tapping into your creative gifts and if you’ve been wanting to start a side business or build a new business with you as the boss, it’s a great year to do that and voice your needs!

Key words: children/creating, family/home, and putting yourself first so you can take care of others (the whole “keep momma happy-then everyone’s happy” is perfect. Even the number looks like a pregnant woman holding her baby!)

7-A year of spirituality, learning about who you are in the world and going within. You may feel like being alone way more than you normally do and that’s okay! The 7 vibration is about cultivating your inner power and intuitive gifts and it’s hard to do that when you’re always around people, so take the time to carve out sacred silence. Keep a journal nearby as you may get some of your most powerful ideas that you’ll integrate later! Key words: meditation/silence, spiritual nourishment and heightened intuition.

8- A year of expansion, stepping into your inner CEO and tearing down old beliefs that kept you from the life you really really desire but haven’t lived yet because of fears, especially around money, havingness and deserving of the “good life” (however you define that). A great year for building or expanding a business or career path and building a team around you, even if that team includes a stronger partnership with your spouse or close friends. You are not alone!

Key words: infinite possibility, financial and personal success, taking your dreams seriously.

9-A year of completion, karmic rewards and lessons and knowledge. This is the year where you may feel guided to learn about other cultures or think outside the box in all areas of your life. You want to do it your way and you may question authority or anyone who calls himself an “expert.” A great year for teaching and sharing the wisdom you’ve gained. Key words: teaching, creating your own philosophy and new belief system, acceptance.

Over to you: What’s your personal year number? What is one thing you are excited to create for yourself in 2016? Share it with me by clicking the “Leave a Comment” button below and let’s start the energy moving!

All my love,




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5 self-love mantras

How was your holiday?

I’ve been spending it with my dad in Houston, Texas watching re-runs on Netflix (he just recently discovered its amazingness) and connecting.

I’m not sure about you, but I’ve found that this week after Xmas in the States has me in this in-between space of releasing and purging….and taking inspired action towards what I’m creating next year.

It’s like one minute I want to create and the next, I simply want to retreat.

This push-pull energy used to frustrate and confuse me until I was able to truly tap into the greater message as we close out the year.



Your 2015 gift + a simple request (chance to win a FREE oracle card deck!):

The message came to me in the form of 5 self-love mantras that I’d love to offer you this week (see below).

Mantras to help you move through releasing whatever it is that is leaving your life…and mantras to help you find the strength and the courage to take the next right actions that present themselves to you to move forward. Use them by saying them aloud, writing them down daily in your journal and most of all, infusing them with your emotion and intent. That’s when the magic can happen!

1) Mantras;

“I am willing to let go what wants to go…and let in what is meant to come in.”

“I am exactly where I need to be and all is well in my world.”

“I consciously forgive myself and anyone who is pulling on my energy. I choose to be free.”

“I accept love in whatever form it presents itself and let love pour out in massive quantities! I AM love!”

“I am enough. I am enough. I AM enough.”


2) Enter yourself to win a FREE oracle card deck!

Can you help me help you? (Jerry McGuire!)

It’s important to me that I put out content that you’re actually interested in reading and that is helping you move closer to yourself and your desires!

So, in the spirit of serving you at the Highest Level in 2016, I have 3 simple questions that I’d love your responses to!

*You may choose to remain anonymous but if you are interested in an oracle deck, I will need your name and address! (totally optional!)

How it works: As you submit your short form, you will be eligible to win a free oracle card deck. I will be selecting a winner at random and if you are my winner, I’ll be sending you your gift in the mail! Wohoo!

click here to fill out the 3 easy questions + be in the raffle to win a free oracle card deck!


I just want to take a minute to say THANK YOU for being part of my online Goddess family and for showing up for yourself this year.

Do this before 2016…the easiest way to bring in a miracle

60cea576-3164-4e2a-b6f7-a372004875d8Confession: I’m writing this in my pajamas and fuzzy socks.


And my new soft hot pink hoodie.


It’s way overcast here in the desert and I finally surrendered to the quiet and darkness of winter here in the States.


I gave myself permission to meander through my morning with no set agenda.


To tune into what my body wanted and what pulls at my heart…and what doesn’t (even if it has been on my to-do list for the whole week).


It’s one of the first assignments I give my private VIP clients; we call it scheduling in non-negotiable “Goddess Flow” time.


It’s meant to restore your creative juices, rest your logical, overdriven brain and reconnect you to your spiritual center.


From that delicious space comes the feeling of what you want to create and pull in next to your life.


Your “vision.”


Most of us have been taught to do it backwards.


Write down to-do’s and tasks and goals….but the problem with that is that if it’s not connected to something you truly desire, like really really desire, it’s super easy to slack, come up with excuses to not stay the course when things get wobbly and basically, stay exactly where you are.


Reframe self-care:


Slowing down not just for indulgent pampering time, but reframing it to be a necessary preparation to birthing a desire is a totally different energy, isn’t it?


How would it feel to say, “I’m having Goddess flow time right now so that I can hear what steps I might take towards pulling in a new relationship….or a new client…or a new job, etc”


Suddenly that slow down time has a purpose, a bigger WHY.


It’s a powerful place to start manifesting and because the energy is so strong now, I don’t want you to wait until January to put this into place.


So I invite you to bring it into your life now.


Diana DorellThis week’s Soul action: Take out your calendar. Pick one block of time each day (or each week, it’s up to you!) where you will have “Flow” time. Open space.


To let your Soul breathe.


To actually tune into what your desires are, so your brilliant mind can help fill in the blanks of what you can do to birth them.


It could be 10 minutes, 1 hour or the whole day. Choose a starting point that feels easy and then build up.


It’s so easy to say, “I don’t have time to do ‘nothing,’ Diana! I have responsibilities!”


I hear you Goddess.


But I don’t buy it.


We all have responsibilities and we all have 24 hours in a day.


It comes down to this.


Do you want life to lead you and have you be at the mercy of your circumstances?




Do you want to be a Goddess and co-create a fabulous life with Spirit that honors you and supports your dreams?


The choice is yours!


I’d write more, but I’m signing off to go to the bookstore and read magazines.


After all, it’s my Goddess flow time 🙂


Have a fabulous holiday however you choose to celebrate and we will talk soon, okay?


Love and Blessings,


PS: Looking for clarity? Click here to book a Soul reading for yourself!

i’m spiritual but he’s not. will it last? find out!

A question I’ve just recently been asked is, “Can two people with different spiritual beliefs stay together for the long haul?”

More specifically, what happens when one person is on the spiritual path and one is not?

Is the relationship or friendship doomed?

It’s a great question! Let’s look at it from 3 key areas.


Step 1: Know what your deal breakers are for your beliefs/spirituality and pick your partners accordingly!

First off, it’s important to know what your relationship or friendship deal breakers are.

The things in a relationship (platonic or intimate) that you are unwilling to compromise on.

And then use that as a filter for who you allow in your inner circles.

Is it important to you that your best friend or life partner share the exact same beliefs and practice as you?

Example: I go to church twice a week, so so should they. I believe in Angels, so should they.

Or is having just a complementary, open-minded approach to life enough?

Example: They know I love Angels, and while they don’t pull Angel cards with me, they respect that I channel them and we practice gratitude daily before we go to sleep.

Knowing what you truly need in a partnership (or even a friendship) and communicating that can affect the longevity of the relationship because you are being true to yourself from the get-go.


Step 2: Identify if you are tolerating or compromising (an example)

If you’ve communicated how much it means to you that your man comes to a spiritual workshop with you at least once every 3 months and every time you bring it up, he’s turning on the T.V and tuning you out (and you don’t say anything), that is tolerating.

Over time, tolerating can turn to resentment and that can lead to leading separate lives and possibly, a permanent separation.

If on the other hand, you have had the same conversation and your man comes back with, “Honey, I know how much having me go with you makes you happy, but an important game is on the same day as the workshop you want to attend. Can you pick another date for us to go next month?” that is compromising.

It’s not about always getting what you want when you want it. It’s when both parties are staying true to themselves and also consciously tuning into the needs and desires of their partner to have a win: win.

Make sense?


Step 3: Listen to your intuition

As always, the question of “will it last?” depends on (1) how true each person is being to themselves (2) how that gets communicated in the relationship and (3) ultimately, if you want to stay or not! No one is making you stay! You deserve to be happy.

There are different ways to “be on the spiritual path” and if you are fulfilled in all your core areas but spirituality, ask your intuition if you can get creative with seeing another way you can share spiritual principles with each other than the obvious.

I used the example of sharing something you’re grateful for with each other everyday, which is a spiritual concept without using spiritual jargon like “meditation, chakras or Angels.”

Find yours.

Or if you are both so divided that you find yourself resenting your partner, ask your intuition if it’s time to head your own separate ways.

You may have outgrown the relationship or it may have served its purpose.

And then you can take the steps to heal and move forward if need be.

Either way, listen and act from a space of loving yourself and the rest of the details tend to figure themselves out!




Q: Do you want to learn more about how you can open your heart to true love again?

I’m teaching a free online workshop “How to Let Go Of Your Love Blocks with the Romance Angels”  on the New Moon, Friday, December 11th @8pm EST.

Pop in your email below to opt-into this call.

Note: You will receive call details once you sign up below!

