what’s your ‘magic’ number? my #1 tool to focus your energy

Do you tend to get overwhelmed with too many things to do at once?

Does your To-Do list seem to run your life?

I’ve been there and if you’re anything like my awesome superwoman/superman-style clients, you (or someone you know)  probably have a tendency to overcommit yourself or to feel the need to always be productive, even to the detriment of your own energy level.

Am I ringing any bells?

If you are ready to

  • eliminate overwhelm
  • have more energy for the things that actually matter (hello Monday night dance class I keep saying I’ll get to!)
  • feel more in control and productive

I want to help!

This week’s tool is called “What’s Your Magic Number”

It’s a simple visualization technique that I use in my own life and suggest to my clients to help you prioritize.


Close your eyes.

Imagine that you are at a gorgeous buffet table filled with a ton of small delicious plates.

You are given a tray so you can take as many plates as you want back to your table to enjoy.

And once you’re done you can always come back for more.

Going with your first gut-level answer, in your imagination, grab the plates you want on this first round.

How many did you grab?

Write down that number.

2? 6? 3?

That’s your “Magic Number!”

It is the number of items your subconscious can prioritize at once.

Any less than that and you’ll probably try and add something more to your plate or steal someone’s plate!

Any more than that and you end up picking at all the plates in an effort to finish but eat none of them entirely.

That’s it!

Easy right?

Let’s do an example.

Susie does the exercise and her number is “3 plates.”

What this could look like in her life:

  1. She picks the top 3 projects she’s going to give her energy to for the coming business quarter. She says no to any additional projects that try and pull her away from those top 3.
  2. She writes down 3 tasks at a time to tackle by the end of the day. If she gets through all of them, she can write down 3 more tasks or she can use that extra time to do something else without guilt.
  3. She schedules 3 dates for the week (if she’s single and wanting to be a relationship). She never schedules them on the same day and she makes sure that those 3 dates work around the activities that feed her soul.

Your Turn: What’s YOUR magic number? How will you use that number to streamline one area of your life? Declare it in the comments below!

Are you ready to take your intuition to the next level?


 Class starts April 27! 

Click here to learn more and join us for Intuition 101: How to Master the Art of Decision-Making!

ps: Not on the newsletter? Want to learn how to manifest and get out of your own way in love and life? Click here to get your FREE training!

do you ever feel like you’re not heard? this could be why

  • Do you wish you could feel more heard or appreciated?
  • Do you feel like you’re always the one giving in a relationship and never getting anything back?
  • Do you wonder what you’re doing wrong?

If you answered YES to any of those questions, you’re definitely not alone.

And you’re not wrong for wanting to feel validated or heard.

Or to get as much as you’re putting out back from the people you care about.

This is something I used to struggle with a lot, especially in various jobs I held in the past.

It seemed like the more I gave, the more depleted I felt.

The more I tried to be compassionate and listen to other people’s issues, the more confused and tangled I felt at the end of the day, even if I started out feeling super bubbly and happy.

Which made me feel angry and resentful and confused because I didn’t want to stop being a “nice” person.

Why did this keep happening?

credit: peek-photography.nyc

credit: peek-photography.nyc

What I learned: 

I was/am empathic.

My sensitivity to the emotions and feelings of other people is a gift, but it’s a gift that is my job to MANAGE.

So that it doesn’t run me.

What was happening is that I was connecting with everyone I met from a heart space.

This did a few things:

  1. It made me very easy to talk to and I learned a lot about people in a short amount of time because they felt safe and heard around me.
  2. I didn’t yet understand that I could be compassionate and caring without always operating  from a heart-space. (what other space WAS there?)
  3. Being in my heart space all the time made it very easy for me to mesh emotional energies with whoever I was around. It was like our wires got crossed and the result was a crazy web of colors and strings that weren’t even mine, but that now were on my radar, coloring my thoughts, feelings and moods. I felt out of control and annoyed!

In a nutshell, what I had to learn to stop being the emotional doormat empath was to train myself to go in and out of my heart-space into other energetic spaces so that I could be there for myself and others without going into crazy mixing/matching/meshing land!

Q: Have you ever felt overrun by the emotions of other people? What has helped YOU to manage this? Share with us in the comments below!


ps: Would you like to learn how to get out of your heart space and into greater balance?

The Top 3 Pitfalls To Avoid in

If so, RSVP here for my upcoming free community training call, “Top 3 Pitfalls to Avoid in Decision-Making!” (recording available if you can’t make it live).

a simple spiritual clearing tool-to help you increase your energy + creativity!

Have you ever felt weird or low energy in your space?

I was speaking to a good friend of mine who told me, “Diana, I’ve been having a really hard time sleeping. I keep waking up in the middle of the night and I feel this weird energy around my house, but I don’t know what to do.”

She was also feeling a bit low-energy during the day and when I asked if she had considered doing some energy clearing in her space, she said she kept getting the nudge to sage the place and throw away some old boxes in this one particular room.

This is totally common.

This feeling of stagnant energy in your space-it could be your bedroom, your office, heck, even your car if you’re in there a lot can zap your physical energy and make it really hard to focus or sleep but luckily I’ve got you covered!

No smoke or weird incense required.

A go-to remedy that costs almost nothing: The Power of the Bowl….

And one of my favorite suggestions to start getting that old gunk out is to use salt water bowls.

When used in your home, they can be used to clear stuck energy and raise the vibration of a space.

This can

  • increase your energy
  • lower your stress
  • sharpen your problem-solving abilities
  • help you feel lighter and happier, not to mention more productive and creative!

How it works:

  1. You literally get bowls (any kind will do. Plastic, ceramic, it’s all good!)
  2.  Fill them with warm water and at least 1-1.5 cups of sea salt. If you don’t have sea salt, regular salt will do too.
  3. Place them in any space that feels stuck. Corners are great, so you will be less likely to trip over them! If it’s your bed that feels weird, underneath the bed is ideal.

Recommended additional step: Say aloud as you are placing the bowls around the space:

“Thank you for absorbing any energy that is keeping me from moving forward.”

Remember, like with anything, the most important thing is the intent behind it.

From a spiritual standpoint, sea salt helps to clear out toxins and impurities.

The water absorbs these negative or stuck vibrations and gathers it in one spot.

4.  Leave the bowls where they are for at least 24 hours.

5. In the morning, go outside (away from your house) and dump out the salt water, symbolizing a total release of that energy.

Note: Flushing it down your drain or toilet is still keeping the energy in your home, so you do need to go outside to do this for best results!

Here’s to a happier, healthier and more energized  space to help you thrive this month!

Q: Which room or space in your life feels stagnant? What’s one word that describes how you want it to feel after you apply the tool above?

Example: My bedroom feels stuck and I feel sad in there. I intend to clear it and have it feel light and inviting!

INVITATION: Do you struggle with making decisions? Do you tend to second-guess yourself all the time and want to stop it? It’s zapping your energy and your self-esteem!

Take my free community class: “The Top 3 Pitfalls To Avoid in Decision-Making” coming up April 14!

Click here to register (it’s FREE!). 

3 tips to prep for the 2nd eclipse (without losing your mind!)

We are knee-deep in eclipse season, the second big one happening this Saturday, April 4th.

Eclipses are times of unexpected change, sudden endings, abrupt shifts, goodbyes and hellos and some deep seated healing.

Luckily, it doesn’t have to be so hard.

In this video you’ll learn:

  • 3 tips to help you stay centered in this in-between eclipse time
  • a communication tool that will be your best friend during high-emotional times like these
  • 1 thing you can add to your daily routine that helps re-balance your energy (even if you live in a strange city!)

After you watch, be sure to comment on this week’s question below!

Q: Which of the 3 tips will you implement this week to help you rock the Full Moon/2nd Eclipse?

ps: Want to learn how to get out of your own way and manifest like a rockstar?

Click here to get your FREE training: Top 5 Common Ways You Block Money, Love and Miracles from coming into your life (it’s not what you think!)

the biggest block that keeps you stuck..

Are you ready to get out of your own way and start being the creator of your life?

The biggest block that keeps you stuck is not fear.

It’s a belief.

The belief that that you have to have the full script of what you’re asking for before taking the first step.

The Universe is smart.

If you got the full script, you could be too afraid to actually go for it.

Or you could decide you wanted something differently and try and bypass anything you didn’t like or want to experience on the way to get to the end.

After all, the hero’s journey involves twists and turns and those annoying karmic and Soul lessons.

It requires you to get uncomfortable, unmasked and occasionally be out of control to just trust.

The remedy: Ask yourself, what feeling would satisfy my Soul the most at this time?

Is it feeling secure?




Something else?

Start there. One word. Two at the most.

Then ask, “Okay, what’s one thing I could do right now that would bring me that feeling?”

That’s your next right action.

Then the Universe will go to town arranging the second action and third, etc.

An Example in Action: 

I had a client who was freaking out about whether or not she should leave her job and start her dream business. Everytime she thought about it, she felt excited but also terrified of not being able to support herself. All she could see was the either/or. The leave my job and start the dream. Or stay in my job and let the dream die. It was strangling her creative energy!

When she got quiet with me and did the exercise above, she got clear that her core desired feeling was to feel “planted and safe.” When we drilled even further, having 3 months of living expenses saved up in the bank and staying in her job while she built up her dream business on the side gave her the first full deep breath she’d felt in a long time. So for her the next immediate step was to look in the mirror and say aloud, “I am committed to saving up 3 months of living expenses and starting my dream right now. I am so grateful for my current job that is helping me feel planted and safe.”  That single step informed her choices for the next 3 months and gave her a sense of anchoring and freedom that helped her build her dream on her own terms. Awesome!

Q: What is one of your core feelings that you are committed to setting in motion during this week? Post your adjective (s) in the comments below!

10367159_10202795966319058_7431355893245143367_n-200x300ps: Are you ready to improve your communication + get what you want (without feeling weird or manipulative?) The first step is to know your Spirit Realm! We all have a “family” we belong to and when you know what yours is (and the realm of the people you care about), you know how to talk to them and how to feel understood. You’ll get more respect and you’ll stop giving your power away or takings things personally.

Ready to learn? Click here!