How to Deal with Disappointment…7 golden nuggets to help you

Q: How do I deal with disappointment in love?

A: *channeled by Diana’s Spirit Guides for all who read this 

Dear Soul,

1. Do not be afraid of your sadness or your anger. Feel it. Denial of your feelings creates unnecessary suffering.

2. What is truly yours can never be withheld from you. We only want the very best for you and to get the very best, your Soul must learn certain lessons that you could not learn if you had the thing the most desire at this time.

3. Learn to fill up your own cup of self-love. Fill it full everyday or you will look to others to fill it up  for you and will always be left feeling empty and alone. 

4. Disappointment can show you where your greatest desires lie. Listen. They may surprise you.

5. Every manifestation has an ebb and a flow. The ocean does not care what you look like. It will ebb and flow. But when you confuse yourself with being the ebb or the flow, that is when you create problems.

6. Every emotion is fleeting. Wait a minute. Another will arise. Do not judge it. Love it. 

7. You may have heard the saying “Tomorrow is another day.” Consider shifting this to “I am only one thought away from love.” Then choose it. 

With Love and Infinite Blessings, 

The Universe.

Your Intuitive Relationship Coach, Diana Dorell

Your Intuitive Relationship Coach, Diana Dorell

Your turn: On this New Moon, which number #1-7 resonated with you tonight? Share below and tell us why!


ps: Ready for a Breakthrough? TWO Spaces left to work with me this Spring and help you break through the barriers that have kept you from your soul mate and your self-confidence in relationships! Click here.


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2 replies
  1. Susan
    Susan says:

    More than one stood out, numbers 1-4. I have learned it is important to feel the feelings without the guilt. As I do I remind myself that I am releasing and by doing so I am creating space for peaceful feelings. ‘What is yours can never be withheld’ a good affirmation for me to use when I cross paths with competitive energy and I feel a moment of insecurity. 3) Filling my own cup with self love seems like the biggest lesson I am learning right now. 4) Disappointment, I have realized this helping to close some doors I need to shut, so I can get on with my dreams (fulfillment).

    • dianadorell
      dianadorell says:

      Thank you for sharing this Susan! You are on the right track-it’s very common to have more than 1 pop out and yes, sometimes doors need to shut so another can open. Much Love, Diana


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