the fastest way to a breakthrough (not for the faint of heart)

I’m done.

That’s the blog post.

Just kidding.

But what I mean is that if you want to create massive results in your life, then you have to take massive actions that are aligned with who you really are. And there may be lots of fear, insecurity and doubt that keeps you exactly where you are-comfortable but quietly living a life less than you you desire.

So the fastest way to create a breakthrough is not by trying to shoo away the fear.

It’s always going to be there on some level and the bigger your goal, the bigger the point from where you are to where you want to be, the bigger and louder that fear voice gets. So it’s a waste of energy to try and banish that voice.

Instead focus on this.

There is a  little motto a mentor once shared with me called “Burn the Ships.”

What she meant was focus in your mind only on what you truly desire and eliminate all other safety nets.

Example: In case it doesn’t work out, then I can always do X” kind of thoughts.

It doesn’t mean that you can’t have those thoughts.

The secret
It just means that you put them down on paper to ease the mind once and then you tear up the piece of paper and claim only what you truly desire or what Spirit desires. (manifesting tip: I have all my clients write “This or better” on top of any goal they choose to purify the energy and open to something even greater than I can imagine!)

If you “burn” the ships so to speak, then you have really only have three choices: swim, figure out how to stay afloat and get creative…. or drown. 

I told you, this isn’t for the faint of heart. But it does work!

Because when faced with an opportunity to stand an inch closer to what we want but not have any guarantee it’s going to work out OR go to a back door at the eleventh hour, you’ll likely choose the back door every single time.


Because the Ego likes to make sure we are safe.

And then you’re right back where you started.

So, if you want massive change in your life, the fastest way to do that is acknowledge, identify and then burn the ships.

When there’s 100% directed towards what you truly desire, the Universe has a cool way of bringing people, opportunities, more time, more ideas and creative solutions that you couldn’t have seen when you were playing it safe. Anything less than 100% is staying where you are.

Now over to you.

Q: What “back door, Plan B’s and metaphorical ships” are in your head right now around what you truly desire? And what is one action you can take to move closer to where you want to be this week? Brave souls! Post a comment and share! Let’s support you!

Maybe it’s an ex you’re keeping in the wings just in case there’s no one for you (so not true!). Maybe it’s staying in a sub-par relationship or a job that drains you because you’re scared you’ll never be able to pay your mortgage if you leave or put an exit strategy towards your dream work. Maybe it’s hoarding that book you’ve been working on eternally but haven’t put out into the world because it’s not “perfect”, so your back door is to just say you write for fun when you really want to be a writer.

Just writing it takes away some of the power it has over you.

2015 is a year of abundance in all forms. 

But it starts with you.

I’m rooting for you!

Diana DorellCredit: Peek Photography

Diana Dorell
Credit: Peek Photography

ps: If you are finding yourself less-than energized about your life right now, listen to this free training replayTop 5 Common Ways You Block Money, Love and Miracles from coming into your life! <link to opt-in page>

6 replies
  1. Eva Rawposa
    Eva Rawposa says:

    OH, this is juicy Diana!!! I love the PHYSICAL way of showing ourselves that we’re ALL IN and we are GOING FOR IT!! I’m putting this on my list of 3 MITs for tomorrow!!!! Whatever else I have going on, this feels good to put it in the mix!! THANK YOU for the idea! Love, Eva

  2. Eva Rawposa
    Eva Rawposa says:

    Me again! Funny! I reread. You weren’t being literal about burning it? I took it that way! So what I’ll do is think on my back doors and then write ’em down and BURN ’em! <3 🙂


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