your dec Goddess msg inside!

Happy December!

This is such a beautiful month and one that gives you an opportunity to re-evaluate the relationships in your life. 

Some key phrases for the month:

  • Let it go
  • Love yourself 
  • Take some risks
  • Walk joyfully

If you’re new to my community, welcome! Every first week of the month, I blend the love stuff with the woo-woo stuff and create a Goddess Guidance Oracle video for you.

I pull a Goddess oracle card for each week in the month and you’ll also get some key dates to be aware of.

I believe you are incredibly intuitive, so as you watch, pause the video after a card goes up and write down your own insights.

Click here to watch

ps: Are you looking for some individual intuitive insight? It’s the perfect time to get some support. I’ve brought back 1:1 phone/Zoom Oracle readings for a time as I have been getting a lot of requests! Check out all your options here.

4 replies
  1. Sarah Chapa
    Sarah Chapa says:

    Thank you, Dianna. Red is definitely your color ❤. I’ve recieved several messages to have more play time and in open to it. Bring on the playfulness.

  2. Dorel Vanegas
    Dorel Vanegas says:

    This journey to Costa Rica in December and your December Video Goddess Cards resonated with me in all aspects. I am quite happy and have met many genuine down to earth friendly people and one special person that the Universe set in my journey who lives in Monteverde and I will travel there this weekend… I am going to apply the 4 recommendations…let it go …Love yourself…take some risks and walk joyfully (hand in hand) in Costa Rica. La Pura Vida for sure!!!
    Thank you for the December Cards all so applicable for me.


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