It’s officially April! All around us new life is birthing and new ideas, insights and opportunities could be coming to you from a variety of places.
There’s no going back.
There may a deep and profound knowing within you that some part of your life will never be the same. Maybe you left someone behind. Maybe you were the one left. Maybe you left a home behind. Maybe you’re moving. Getting or losing a job. Or perhaps, shedding an old perspective that no longer serves you?
The Fun
It can feel like everything is moving so fast that sometimes internally, you’re playing catch-up. Or vice versa. You may be very clear about where you want to go but the external, the material world is lagging a bit in co-creating that manifestation. It’s okay. The timing, the slow-downs, the frustrations. It’s all part of a bigger Divine plan.
You may not know exactly what that is, but what’s the fun in knowing all the answers, roads and destinations ahead of time? Some of those roads are unpaved at the moment, waiting for you to fill in the cracks or write the end of a chapter so you can create and head down a new yellow brick road that is just perfect for you.
Is it easy? Maybe not. Is it necessary? Your Spirit will tell you that. If you’re living your life based on what your intuition shares with you in quiet moments, April will be a wild, crazy fun adventure. If you’re not and you’re constantly looking for validation or answers outside of yourself, April could be hell.
It’s really about the balance isn’t it? Knowing when you’re spun out in your head thinking it’s your intuition (great time to get an intuitive reading to help you access what is your True Higher wisdom) and knowing when your intuition is right on point, but there’s a bit of fear at having to make the changes necessary to fulfill that Soul-guided message.
Your April Surrender Plan:
The key is surrender. In typical Diana-like fashion, I’m going to acronym it for you.
Surrender is about:
S=Simplifying your life
U=Understanding that you are exactly where you need to be
R=Remembering to count your blessings
R=Re-considering what you really want
E=Eating foods that uplift and nourish the Soul vs. unconscious stuffing to avoid emotions
N=Never being afraid to say, “I need help.”
D=Dancing everyday, even if it’s just in your mind (your subconscious doesn’t know the difference :))
E=Ending a chapter that has long been over, even if it’s hard
R=Remembering to make time for fun. It doesn’t have to be all work and no play. Your Inner child will rejoice!
Your Soul Hour: Are you coming?
Have a blessed April and to help you and lift the vibration of our entire community and world, I’d love to have you as my honored guest on Sunday, April 7th for an tele-party called “Your Soul Hour”
It’s free and you can come get a mini-reading or ask a question to your Spirit Guides/the Angels to help you get on track for Spring!
RSVP required and there will be a recording as everyone can benefit from the questions asked. We are truly all one.
Click here to join me and RSVP:
Love and Blessings,
ps: If you want to ramp up your RELATIONSHIPS (family, friends, lovers, etc)
TODAY is the last day for the intro rate on my new self-paced audio course: Find Your Spirit Realm, Find Yourself! Go here to snag the deal!
For more, please visit
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