Should you charge your friends for ‘spiritual services?’

“Dear Diana,

“Should I charge my friends for spiritual services? I feel guilty and weird. I don’t know what to do. What would you suggest?”

This  HOT Topic  was emailed to me by a woman who is in the healing/intuitive arts. For privacy sake, let’s call her Nancy.

It brings up Money stuff in general. Money and Friendships. Money and Spirituality. And the big one, Worthiness, all rolled into one juicy question.

I hear things like this from clients like Nancy, friends, strangers, associates and family alike:

Have you heard any of these too?

1. “I feel guilty charging for my spiritual services.”

2. “I could NEVER charge a friend!”

3. “I don’t want my friend to hate me, so I just barter with them (even though I don’t want the other service).”

4. “I know I could charge more (usually they’ve known this for a LONG time) but I haven’t even paid for a Reiki healing session or my own service for myself. How can I expect others to pay me?”

5. “I do it because I LOVE it. It’s not about the money.”


The above statements make me C-R-A-Z-Y and writhed in SCARCITY mentality!!!!!!

When I hear them, my instinct is to just want to give the person a hug and then offer up a graceful but direct suggestion:


It’s strange, but from what I’ve experienced with my own friends and clients, you almost always seem to get a LOT more value out of a product or service when you exchange money for it. It helps the other person show up as their BEST self and you receive the support you need. It’s a lovely dance that is based on ABUNDANCE!


This is just my personal opinion to the question above, but the straight-shooting answer I have for Nancy, who bravely emailed this to me is:

A: The fact that you’re even asking the question tells me you have some serious limiting beliefs around being well compensated for your spiritual services. It also feels like you could be struggling from a bit of people-pleasing and not feeling confident in your services and communicating their value to friends (and perhaps anyone). Without knowing what your particular offerings are, I would recommend you ask yourself the following questions to dig deeper… 

  • What are the results or benefits your friends have experienced from your services? Have you asked for testimonials?I am guessing you are fantastic at what you do
  • Why do you feel you haven’t paid for a service similar to the one you are offering? Is it because it’s “too expensive” or because you don’t see the value or need or something deeper? If you can’t see the value in what you’re offering, then you’re right. You shouldn’t even be offering it and you can’t expect others, especially clients (friends or otherwise) to convince you of it. You have to convince yourself or change your offering! Then, charging and communicating the value is just a formality because you are genuinely SO excited and enthusiastic to share what it is that you offer that can truly help them!
  • Are you happy in friendships where you have to accept less than you deserve and say YES to things that serve other people’s benefit but never your own? Consider that your true friends are more than happy to pay you for a valuable service and that “trading” or “bartering” when you really don’t want their service creates a very low energetic vibration for your friendship. How would you feel as the friend if the situation was reversed?


I know that that was a lot. And I have LOTS more to say on the subject, so if you’re reading this and thinking, I need help with overcoming this, here are

3 Ways to GET MORE!

1. Join me TONIGHT at 5pm PST for a FREE Tele-Call called: 

“Busting Through The FIVE Limiting Beliefs Around Charging For Your Spiritual Services!” 

RSVP here



2. Get your ticket to my live retreat, Soothe Your Soul in Sedona and bring a friend for FREE if you sign up by September 10! It is ALL about MANIFESTING ABUNDANCE!




3. Work with me 1:1!
I am taking on a LIMITED number of intuitive coaching clients and would LOVE to help you have some MASSIVE money/abundance breakthroughs! 




What advice would YOU give Nancy to the question above?

Post a comment and share with friends!

I’d love to hear from you and I know our community would love to hear your suggestions too!



The 4-step process to having an uncomfortable but necessary conversation with anyone

You know the feeling right?

Your stomach is tight. You may even get a headache or find it really hard to breathe.

You start distracting yourself by cleaning, checking email or doing a million other “important” things to avoid having the inevitable “talk” with someone that has been a long time coming. Your mind races with thoughts like:

What if they HATE me?

What if I shoot myself in the foot and say the wrong thing?

What if I’m just being ridiculous and unreasonable?


Try my easy, 4-step process below to having that uncomfortable but necessary “talk” with anyone and be sure to leave a comment on the blog when you’re done!

Step 1: Set your space and be real.

“Hey, (insert their name).

I really appreciate you for listening right now/taking a few minutes to hear me out.

I have always admired (insert genuine compliment here or say nothing!)

Optional: “This is uncomfortable for me to share with you but I need to say this.”


Step 2: Lay out what you want without emotion

“I want (to end our relationship, a divorce, a raise, to change directions in this project, to reconsider my initial offer, to feel heard in this relationship, etc….”)


Step 3. Spell out your feelings (no one can argue with them!) AND any actions that you will be taking as a result

“This doesn’t feel right anymore and I need to honor that. Because of that, I/we will be _____________ OR,

“In order for this to feel right, I need to see the following things happen: _____________(state anything they can do to make it right)___________ .


“This doesn’t feel right anymore and I need to honor that. Because of that, I will (moving on, moving out, etc.).


Step 4: Appreciate them again and Choose your ending

*Do you want to hear them out and continue the discussion? If so, choose this:

“I appreciate you listening to me and I’d love to give you space now to share anything you’ve been wanting to say to me. I’m all ears.” (Then you REALLY have to listen and do your best to avoid interrupting or getting defensive. Follow through.)


*Do you just want to wrap up the conversation and end the discussion gracefully? If so, choose this:

“I am sharing this with you because I respect you and am just doing what feels true for me. (appreciate them and set the boundary).

I understand you may have more questions but I’ve shared what feels right for me in this situation and am unwilling to continue discussing it at this time. (set your parameters. notice the word “unwilling” has a different vibration than “I can’t” or “I don’t want to”. It’s more powerful!) I’m choosing to move on and again, thank you for listening. That means a lot to me.”

(notice the end with a genuine compliment or nothing at all and FOLLOW THROUGH on what you say! They may try to test you and continue the conversation and in that case, just keep going back to “I’m unwilling to continue discussing this at this time…” or walk away if need be.) You do NOT have to over explain or defend your choice.

Congratulations! You did it!

Side suggestion:

It’s always nice to have something special planned for yourself after having any uncomfortable “talk.” It does not need to be expensive or fancy or even anything that requires money. You can go for a walk to your favorite park, schedule some time to do paint your nails or just browse at your favorite bookstore that you never got a chance to go in because you were worried about this conversation! Self-care is SO important at the end of the “talk.”


Take Action!

1. What is ONE suggestion YOU have that helps you prepare for an uncomfortable conversation?

2. Post a comment here and let’s connect!


ps: Are YOU going through a break-up (personal or professional) or want to release an ex but have no idea how?

 Sign up to get weekly updates (it’s FREE) and I’ll send you actionable spiritual and relationships wisdom that WORKS!


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You are never alone.



3 Steps to Prepare Yourself for “The Talk” aka Breakups

Let’s face it. Breakups suck. Whether you’re the one breaking up or the person broken up with, there’s no easy way around it.  A breakup is not limited to a love relationship. There’s also the severing of ties with business partners or clients. Or maybe a friendship that has long expired.


No matter what arena the breakup falls in, it’s uncomfortable, it’s awkward and in most cases, it’s necessary. But there is good news. Once you are completely clear that you want to break up, know that it is completely possible to do so GRACEFULLY in a way that keeps everyone’s dignity intact and communicates exactly what’s true for you.


The most challenging part is BEFORE. And feeling safe and supported going into a conversation that you would rather avoid but you know you need to have. I’m here to help you. It just requires a little prep work and a commitment to take action.


In this video, I want to share:

  • The 3 things you must do before you have “the uncomfortable talk” with ANYONE
  • An unconventional way to feel supported before “the talk” to ensure that the “talk” goes as smoothly as possible
  • A FREE PDF “Before the Talk” sheet for you to download below this blog 

Now it’s YOUR turn to try it out and TAKE ACTION!

  1. Download your free PDF: 3 Steps to Prep Yourself before
  2. What did YOU experience when you tried out the AA Gabrielle mantra?
  3. Post a comment below this video at the blog.

 Sneak peek:

Next week, I’ll be sharing a simple 4 step formula to help you know how to structure “the talk” so it sets you up for a win:win. Stay tuned and for FREE updates, join my CEO family over at


PS: Want to get away with me to a magical, spiritual place this winter?


Soothe Your soul LIVE in Sedona is coming up November 2-4th and to learn more go to!

FREE videos coming up NEXT week to help you manifest but you MUST sign up here!





3 Top Productivity Secrets from ‘Dre

One of the things that I keep saying is that I miss having a cute little dog/pet to play with. 

And lo and behold, in the past month I have had two good friends invite me to pet sit their adorable furry children!

This past week, I watched a little Chihuahua named “Andre.” His nickname is Andre the Giant (tee-hee!) and my personal nickname for him is “Little ‘DRE.” He taught me a LOT about life just in the past few weeks and I realize his lessons are really 3 TOP PRODUCTIVITY secrets that you can really apply to business OR your relationships.

Enjoy and be sure to leave a comment below!

 #1 Play with Purpose

At any given moment, he would go into a spastic “Happy Dance” where he’d wiggle his little body, bury his nose in the blanket and roll over with a satisfied grunt. Then he’d proceed to run around my entire home with his stuffed baby elephant until he was complete. It was pretty amazing to watch and I couldn’t help but get in the game and play with him. I got so much done after that!


YOU: In all your relationships, could you commit to making some time each day to just PLAY without agenda or purpose? Invite a co-worker out for a smoothie, tell a silly joke  or story and ask your biz partner to share one too, tickle your lover, etc! When we can PLAY, we up the FUN factor and the energy in the room is electric, open and EXPANSIVE=more productivity, more happiness and more money!


2. Kiss and Make Up

Andre chewed a corner off my current favorite hardcover book, The Fire Starter Sessions. I was livid.  Fuming. And with tail between his legs, he knew Auntie Diana was not happy. So I did what a lot of us adults do when we’re mad in relationships. I ignored him and pretended like everything was fine. (A truly passive aggressive, confusing combination to the other party in our lives!) And inside I felt like I was going to burst.  His ears perked up and he promptly climbed into my lap and started kissing my arm. When that didn’t work, he started kissing my knee. And when I STILL wasn’t looking at him, he went for it and started kissing my big toe, which made me burst out in laughter! I said, “Andre, I am very mad at you right now. Never touch my books again, especially if they are on the floor. But I love you and thank you for the kisses.” Message received. All my books are intact to my knowledge and the kisses keep coming.


YOU:  Instead of holding your emotion in, how would it feel to let it OUT in a creative way for a change? Could you communicate clearly what it is you’re feeling, without trying to “make it right” or avoid personal responsibility?


A good formula that works for me: 1. State your feeling in the MOMENT, not the past  (I feel…right now). 2. State what you want to see change (be specific and don’t blame). And 3. End with an authentic compliment (I love you, I appreciate you for ___, etc)


Do structured ‘Nothing’ everyday.

(It makes you more productive!)

Andre has no problem sleeping all day and bouncing from fuzzy blanket to stuffed pillow with stretch breaks in between. It was actually amazing to me and sometimes as I was working in my home office, I literally would forget he was there because he was sleeping like a cat, quiet as a mouse, content to do NOTHING at all. No apologies. No sneaking around like he was being “productive.” Just full-out lazing about. It was really quite admirable and I found myself feeling envious, so I did a little experiment. Instead of darting to my computer right when my eyes opened, I took a bubble bath. And just sat there in the tub. Closed my eyes. Listened to Pandora and just splashed about without any cares. For like 30 whole minutes (I have to start small right?). Then I made some fresh juice for myself and petted Andre, who was happy to see me adopting his pampering, guilt-free attitude! All this happened before 11am. After that, I got a day’s worth of stuff done in literally 3 hours. And I realized, WOW. There really is something to this “do nothing/relax” time!


YOU: What “Do Nothing” activities sound like fun for YOU to incorporate into your day? Doing these activities consistently, even if just for 10 minutes could potentially save you hours of time and increase your mental clarity, focus and intuition!



  • Which one of the 3 lessons above will YOU embody this week? List your choice below and also list any ideas you have!
  • Want to learn how to MANIFEST with EASE and meet new like-minded friends?

My annual spiritual retreat in magical SEDONA, Soothe Your Soul LIVE™ is coming up this NOVEMBER!  I’ll be sharing FREE training video and audio in the next month or two for all those who sign up for the VIP priority registration list! (no purchase necessary)

 Go here:


Have a productive, magical day!



Live Stream Video: How to Raise the B-A-R in your life (3 easy steps)


The live-stream video below is from my recent talk in New York City at the State of Now Conference!

You’ll get to hear my 10 minute talk on “How to Look for Love in All The Right Places!”

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • The #1, hands-down BEST Pick-Up Line you’ve ever heard (fellas, are you taking notes?)
  • The 3 top strategies to creating authentic, lasting relationships (you can use for business or personal)
  • Proof that Angels really do exist (true story)

Important NOTE: The guy in purple that you see is the Founder and Organizer of the event, Jeff Keni Pulver.

My talk is right after his brief introduction. And if you have time, you’ll want to watch the guy on AFTER me too. His name is Ted Rubin and he is a single, divorced dad of two teenage daughters and shares powerful insights to bridge parenting as well as cherishing moments and creating lasting friendships.



Video streaming by Ustream



1. What is ONE actionable tid-bit you got from the video above?

2. What helps YOU get through negative self-talk?

Post your insights on here! I’d love to hear from you.

ps: Did you enjoy this post?

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