Ready for Adventure? April is Here!

Hi Beautiful!

Happy April to you-I don’t know about you, but I feel like this year is simultaneously zipping by and also some days have felt like I’ve lived a lifetime!

Can you relate at all?

I’m super sensitive to energy, and if you’re in my community, I’m going to bet you are too-so sending you tons of Divine love, hugs and reminders to slow down, breathe and remember that no matter what you’re going through, you have a choice to see things as happening for you vs. to you.

April is a hang-on-to-yer-hat kinda vibe, so expect the unexpected and embrace the spirit of adventure if you can!

I was guided to record the April message live without interpreting cards or messages ahead of time, and with the upcoming Solar Eclipse in Aries, this let’s-see-what-happens energy is right in line!

Check it out below:

ps: Are you looking for a high-vibe, supportive community and a dedicated space to set intentions for the month and connect with amazing women? Join us for the April 9 Goddess Circle Collective call! Click here to learn more.

Lunar Eclipse in Libra – Time to Partner Up!

Happy Lunar Eclipse week and Tuesday!

When it comes to relationships, this week packs a punch. It’s an ideal time to clean up agreements, make amends, draw some lines in the sand and observe where you may feel out of balance.

For more, please check out the short Eclipse video below:

Eclipses bring endings but it’s nothing to fear. What is wrapping up right now, including the month of March (how did that happen?!) is for your Highest Good.

I’d love to know-what is one highlight or lesson you are taking with you as we finish this month? Leave a comment below!

Much love,

Instead of Beating Yourself Up for Having Fears, Do This Instead…

I’m afraid it’s too late for me.

I’m afraid I’m going to make the wrong decision and I’m going to regret it.

I’m afraid what I want is just a pipe dream.

Happy Tuesday, goddess!

Do any of the fears above ring a bell?

When you’re in the middle of changing a belief, a way of operating and maybe even your appearance, relationship status or address, shi& can come up!

It’s so easy to think that you are a bad “attractor” or to fall into believing that the fears are something to be banished for good in order to manifest what you want.

There is a kinder, simpler way to be in relationship with your fears.

And when your fears aren’t something to be erased, they can actually help you!

Watch the under 2 min short video below!

ps: Are you ready to stop doing it all yourself? Manifest easier by joining us in the Goddess Circle Collective! Enrollment is open. Go here!

How to be More Productive at Home and Work (My Secret Weapon!)

Happy Tuesday!

Would you like to be more productive and energized so you have time to be with the people you love?

Me too!

Today, I’m taking your question and this video actually comes from a conversation I had with one of my Goddess clients.

She’s putting herself out there not just in love but also in her business and in one of our sessions, we identified an energy leak (something that is either happening or not happening that drains your energy).

For her, it was around setting boundaries with her time and when she was “off the clock” and on the clock.

And one “plug” that came up as a solution beyond the obvious time blocking was to create a simple end-of-day ritual for herself.

Join me on my walk with Bella for a super short (less than 90 seconds) video about the practice of creating the closing ritual and ideas on what you may consider incorporating into your own.

ps: If you would like to learn how to set Boundaries like a BadAss, that is the topic of our first Goddess Circle Collective monthly call-starts later tonight and you can sign up and get the replay if the time doesn’t work for you! Learn more and join the Collective here.

Your March Oracle Message!

Happy Tuesday and March!

If you’re ready to embrace a month that is ripe with new beginnings, wonderful opportunities to capitalize on your gifts and talents and attract higher-quality people into your world, you’re going to love March!

Watch the March Goddess Guidance Oracle video and after you do watch, please leave me a comment – I’d love to know one thing you’re excited about for this month!

ps: Doors are officially open for Goddess Circle Collective! Our first call will be the New Moon week, March 12 and is all about Boundary-Setting Like a Bad-Ass! Join us here!