ready for good things? may msg inside!

Happy Wed and May 1!

After the wonkiness of April, May is such a breath of fresh air.

The theme of the month is J-o-y!

In this Goddess monthly video I share:

  • 5 Goddess card messages for each of the 5 weeks of the month so you know what to expect, what the focus is energetically and how you can maximize the vibes!
  • Two important dates you want to circle on your calendar
  • An important question to ask yourself to set yourself up for the best month!

Watch it here:

ps: Are you craving more support and wish that you could be around people who are also into spiritual, woo woo stuff and creating empowered relationships?

Doors will be opening in the next week for The Empowered Goddess Society, a fun, virtual monthly circle and community where you can get insight, energy healing and Goddess inspiration! Want to get advanced notice before I send it to everyone? Click here:

3 things to ask yourself before you move in with someone

Happy Wednesday Goddess!

Have you ever moved in with someone too early and then had it backfire on you?

When your relationship gets to a certain place, moving in may be on the menu, but due to past experiences, you may be gun shy or freaked out about doing it too soon or too late.

Today’s Q+A is: “Diana, how do you know if you’re ready to move in with someone? I don’t want to do it at the wrong time and risk my relationship!”

I’ve got you covered, goddess.

Ask these three key questions…Listen below

3 tips to make a long distance relationship work

Happy Wednesday Goddess!

As we approach the middle of the month, as I mentioned in April’s Goddess Message video, this week can bring up renegotiations in your relationships.

What is fair?

What needs to be expressed?

What do you want?

And nowhere does this show up more than in long distance relationships!

I mean, it’s already hard because you can’t physically see each other on a regular basis, right?

But how can you successfully navigate the snags that naturally arise that could make or break this bond?

I’ve had my fair share of LDR’s as have my clients.

It is possible to make the road smoother than it appears-here are the top 3 suggestions to make it work.

Click below to listen.

Have a brilliant week Goddess and remember: it’s safe to express your Truth! The Universe has your back.

April Goddess Message: Are you ready for a breakthrough, Goddess? Do this!

Happy April Goddess!

I’m writing you a day early so you can get the maximum benefit from this month’s week by week Goddess video message.

It’s a beautiful month with a chance for do-overs, re-invention and rest/healing.

Click here to check it out

ps: It’s the perfect time to make massive changes in your life! Click here to check out different ways we can work together to maximize this new cycle!