Happy Tuesday!
First off, I just want to say that if you’ve been feeling a bit wonky after the Eclipse, it’s all okay!
You may be feeling amazing and still wonder….when is the other shoe going to drop?
During these times of extreme change it’s easy to go into a story that keeps you stuck or makes you believe that somehow the very thing you want is out of reach for you.
Especially when it comes to love.
Here are 5 pesky things we tell ourselves that slow your manifesting roll.
See, your head can justify these as truth but 90% of the time, it’s just your subconscious mind trying to keep you safe from the big, bad, unknown awesomeness waiting for you on the other side.
Belief #1: It’s not the “right” time for (insert awesome opportunity or desire here)
A: The right time is when you decide to go all in. The moment you decide and believe that what you desire actually can happen, little things will appear on your path to support that belief.
When we say it’s not the “right” time, what we are really saying is a) I don’t feel like putting the effort in or making the changes required for me to take action yet or b) I am not really really sure I want said thing.
Reframe: The right time is when I go all in.
Belief #2: I have to get X part of my life handled first and then I can have what I really want (a relationship, etc).
A: While you may receive internal guidance that whispers, “Let’s handle your health first” that doesn’t mean you have to tuck your desire for a relationship away. That is lack energy and what I call the either/or kiss of death for manifesting. Instead, if you want to be in partnership, focus on your health AND notice the love around everywhere you go. Why limit it to dating energy? There is no scorecard the Universe is keeping that says “Oh, this one is getting her health in order…now she’s worthy of love! Move her over to the love corner Angels!” You are worthy of what you desire now…and you can focus on your health too! With both/and energy in your space, you will be that more magnetic to romance when it comes in your Path and you’ll notice it too because you’ve been noticing it everywhere you go!
Reframe: I listen to my inner guidance and allow myself to desire everything I desire without apology.
Belief #3: I don’t know how to do it right.
A: Perfectionism kills manifesting flow. It takes you right up into your head and out of possibility. So, you may go all in and not get the response you wanted. You might “fail” but if you get a choice right out of the gate to lead from fear or to lead from courage, courage is going to get you a heck of a lot closer to what you want.
In love, we are all messy. Your rule is to be utterly and totally your delightful self. And ask yourself this: Who are you more attracted to? The person who has to have everything perfect or the person who isn’t afraid to laugh and stumble but keep going?
Reframe: I am willing to let go of being perfect. Who I am is enough.
That’s it folks!
Now over to you: Which one of the 3 beliefs are you ready to turn on its head this week? Hit reply and tell me.