It’s almost the Winter Solstice here in the States (Dec 21/22), the longest night of the year and for some of you across the pond, it is the Summer Solstice.
Darkness. Light. Can’t have one without the other!
It is a powerful time of percolating, going deep within and unearthing one final upheaval of “stuff”, you know the stuff that’s outdated, in your way and slowin’ your roll.
And one of those pesky behaviors that can stop you from making major waves towards your dreams is perfectionism.
Waiting until something is “just right” before you pitch your idea, write that book you keep saying you’re going to write, start dating again, you get the idea.
You may say things to yourself like..
“Yea, I so want that but I have to get XYZ figured out first in my life until I can have (insert fervent Soul desire).”
“I’m just not ready yet…I need to get (more credentials/more money/more blah, blah, blah)”
All perfectly rational explanations from the logical mind to mask the truth-that you might just feel scared of going all in and failing. Or succeeding and having to be seen more!
So it’s easier to wait until everything appears to be “perfect” before making waves.
The Universe
Only perfect never really comes.
And the Universe doesn’t care about perfect. 🙂
It just cares about supporting you in your predominant thoughts and deepest Truths.
It has no opinion either way and it’s not going to judge you.
So, instead of waiting for “perfect” to come, here’s a phrase I got from my friend and co-author of The Dating Mirror: Trust Again, Love Again, Maryellen Smith.
Go. For. Done.
It basically means, once you are clear what you want to do and have at least one action to take, just take it.
Give yourself permission to fu%* it up a little and also permission to course-correct if you’re going way off in the wrong direction.
But all that mental anxiety and low-level stress that is created from not taking action will give way to fresh ideas, inspiration and yes, self-confidence and self-trust.
You will figure it out in the act of doing it.
Making that call.
Writing that proposal.
Putting up that dating profile.
So, as we head into the darkest (or lightest) night of the year, I ask you this.
Q: Do you tend to get caught up in perfectionism? How does it show up for you….and if you’re brave, what is ONE action you are committed to taking before we ring the bell on Dec 31? Where will you “go for done?” I can’t wait to hear from you! Post your comment under here.

Diana Dorell
Would you like a spiritual mentor to help you stay anchored in + manifest with greater ease and clarity in 2017?
Click here to schedule a no-obligation, complimentary Intro call with me so I can better understand your desires and you can give me a test-drive and see if we would be a great fit to make magic together next year!