what to do if he won’t stop texting…

It’s Q+A time, where I take your questions from the community.

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Today’s question is about communication.

NOTE: Even if you can’t relate to her particular situation, the advice shared applies to any relationship where you are feeling overwhelmed with a certain behavior from another.

Q: “I have a weird problem. This guy I’ve been seeing for three months constantly texts me. All day. Every day. I feel silly complaining about this but I really like him, but I feel this constant pressure to respond all the time, even though sometimes I really have nothing to say. I wish he would text LESS…and I’m starting to feel annoyed but I don’t want to push him away. Help!”

This isn’t a weird problem! 

It can be a delicate dance when you really love someone but the way they are choosing to communicate isn’t working for you.

A:  Less is more Goddess. Men respond to actions more than words. If you want him to text less, you can give yourself permission to not respond to every single text. He may think you expect multiple daily texts (who knows-maybe some woman in his past got mad because he didn’t do this!) so instead of having a conversation about it, which could put him on the defensive, just focus on what it is you want. Maybe it’s less texts with more substance. Or you want him to call you. A simple message like, “I miss hearing your voice baby…” mid-day could send him a clear message to call. What you respond to, you will get more of. Good luck!

Now over to you: Have you ever faced a similar situation? What advice would you share? Leave a comment below!

2 replies
  1. Tracy
    Tracy says:

    I enjoyed the Good morning/make it to work ok/have a great day text. and then a mid day checkin and a late afternoon to make plans from the guy I cared about… He went from that to being cold….hard to know what happened exactly… perhaps he was putting on a persona that he couldn’t maintain??

    • Diana Dorell
      Diana Dorell says:

      So glad it was helpful for you Tracy!
      Hard to tell give the situation but one thing I would recommend is pulling back and just letting him show you who he is. And remember that nothing he does or doesn’t do impacts how worthy or loveable you are. Thanks for sharing! Diana


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