It’s time for a tough love tip!

Ok, let’s be real.

Do you say you want a long-term relationship, but you still keep in touch with an old flame via text when you’re feeling lonely?

Do you keep saying you want a boyfriend, but when your friend tries to set you up on a date, you bail out more than once….because you forgot about that Zumba class you signed up for and keep saying you’re going to go to?

Do you complain that you never hear from your girlfriends, but when they call, your phone rolls to voicemail and you never get back to them because you were at a networking event for the 4X this week?

It’s time for a Tough Love Tip. (emphasis on love…and I’ll even throw in some Ganesha Remover of Obstacles incense!) 

Tip: Clarify your true Soul priorities (and let go of the guilt already!) 

What I mean is, if you keep saying you want a relationship/to go on a date but Zumba lights your fire more consistently when you do get the opportunity to be taken out, be real with yourself and either you 1) reschedule the date for another date as soon as possible, around Zumba or 2) admit that right now, Zumba and enjoying yourself on the dance floor is way more of a priority than being in a relationship.

And That’s. O-K-A-Y!

Or if you find yourself attending another business networking event that you are attending because it would “look good” to be there and meet XYZ,  rather than calling your best friend back when you really want to because your Soul is aching for some connection and sister love,  I am checking you right. now.

I want to be clear that you can have everything you want in this life and more.

You came here with specific Soul-level desires that deserve to be experienced and had! I’m all for pleasure!

You CAN have it all…but you just can’t have it all simultaneously! It’s like trying to chase two rabbits. It doesn’t work…unless you have some crazy superpowers!

You’ve got to get clear on your priorities. And then you’ve got to love and honor them.

When you honor your own priorities, people (especially prospective partners!) honor YOU. 

When you are acting from a place of your priorities, life is a lot smoother, you are a lot more pleasant to be around and you increase your chances of getting what you want 1000%. 

So, step one to being radiant and fabulous in love is….Identify and honor your priorities! 

They will change as you change.

But instead of fighting what you really want right now, how would it feel to claim and flow with them?

(I just let out a deep AHHHH!)

Take action: Here are a few core life areas.

Put them in numerical order of Soul priority right now (make sure you are grounded!).

And let go of GUILT!

There is no “better” order than another.


I know this may be hard, but give it a go anyway!

Love/Romantic Relationships

Spiritual/Personal Development
Home Life

Last step:

Once you put them in order, keep it in your purse. When someone makes a request of you, look at them before you say YES or NO. Keeping your priorities close will help you make space for what you want and STICKING TO THEM will increase your energy level, making you extra desirable to that hot gal or guy!

Your Turn:

Did making this list surprise you? What did you learn about yourself and how are you going to make your priorities important?

Would love to hear from you! 

Post a comment and if you enjoyed this post, share it below!

ps: Want to dive way deeper into helping you get what YOU want? Join me in Sedona for a Soul-transforming weekend this November! Space is limited. Click here.

your secret weapon to having a guy fawn on you (I’m still learning this one!)

Imagine your phone ringing multiple times from that hot guy or gal you’ve had your eye on.

They leave a voicemail wanting you to call them back. They are just calling to say “hi.” See how you are. And they mean it.

You get sweet texts in the middle of the day that make you smile…

And when you go out, strangers open doors for you and you get compliments even though you may be wearing sweatpants.

It’s like the Universe sent out a memo that a superstar (you!) is on the loose and everybody better pay attention!

The secret to getting that kind of attention is to tap into one of your most valuable assets….

your vulnerability.

Now, many of you who are great at getting things done in your business but have a rocky time in relationships know how hard this can be, right?

 You don’t want to be perceived as weak, less than or incapable of doing it yourself because you know 90% of the time, you can do it better yourself than when you delegate it out.

But here’s the difference (listen closely!). Being vulnerable is not the same as being weak.

True vulnerability=openness and trust in something beyond yourself.

True vulnerability=saying how you really feel but being totally responsible for yourself at all times.

True vulnerability= saying, “No. I can’t/don’t want to/would rather do X” when asked and does not feel the need to explain or defend.

And that….. is irresistable!

Remember: Just because you can do something by yourself doesn’t mean you have to or you “should.” And the less time and energy you spend on things you don’t need to be doing, the more space you have for that special someone to come and sweep you off your feet!

Soul Questions + Challenge:
– Where could you benefit from letting yourself be more vulnerable?
-What would you stop doing?
-What would you start doing or do more of?
-Where do you need to reach out for help?
-Where do you need to trust that life isn’t going to end if you delegate a task to someone who can only do it 90% as good as you?  
-How could your life be better by stepping into some more vulnerability?

Pick 1 question from above to sit with and share with us in the comments below!

This could be in your business or in your personal life.

ps: Did you enjoy this?

Click here to get a free gift: 5 Signs to Distinguish Between a Message from your Intuition and Wishful Thinking



4 steps to reclaiming your sanity after a guy goes MIA

Well, you did it.

You called, poured your heart out and left a message on his voicemail.

Or a long, well rehearsed text message.

Told him how you really feel.

You were feeling brave, invincible and so on top of the world for not playing any of those stupid games.

You’re sure he’s going to call you back and profess that he feels the exact same way you do.

Or at least shoot you a sweet text.

But instead you hear nada.

Zip. Crickets. Silence.

You stare at your phone and wonder, “Did he get my message? Is his phone temporarily broken? Did I say too much? OMG, what’s wrong with me?

A vicious shame spiral may ensue and next thing you know, you’re stuffing your face, calling your girlfriends on Facetime or crying in a big, hot MESS on the floor.

Let me save you from the said above description.

Why He’s Not Calling:

He’s not NOT calling you because of any of the following:

-your weight/height/eye color, etc (unless he’s a superficial prick and then I say keep on steppin!)
-bad cell phone reception
or even what you said or wrote
(in most cases…stalker-like behavior excluded of course).

It goes way beyond that.

90% of the time, it IS about the energy you’re putting out there subconsciously and your level of NEED for him to call you that is preventing the thing you actually want.

What you need to do:

Un-hook yourself from the energy of

  • desperation
  • need and
  • worry… which is really a lack state of consciousness that repels what you want and

elevate yourself to the Higher energy of

  • “loving and healthy detachment
  • love and
  • peace

From that elevated place, you will create space for him to call you because you are no longer clinging onto him energetically and he will sense this and be curious as to why….


* if you do the exercise below and you never hear from him again, it may be Spirit’s way of protecting you and wanting to bring you someone more aligned with you. At the very least you will feel

  • more energized
  • more aligned within yourself
  • and more centered

which is a GREAT place to be!

How to do it:

4-steps to write a Release Letter to the Angels!

1. Get a piece of paper and  write out a question such as, “Angels, I’m feeling really weird/XYZ around my relationship with X. What messages do you have to share with me to help me release what’s holding me back so I can get on with it? Write through my hand.”

2. Then, once you’re in a calm state (deep breaths help!), write your heart out for about 1-2 pages, non stop, even if it doesn’t make any sense. (this gets easier with practice).

3. When you get an internal signal that you’re “done” say, “Thank you Angels. I now release worry and tension around this and surrender it to you!” and

4. Look back over what came out. Read it aloud to yourself as much as you can understand. What this does is lets you feel the vibration of what has come through.

Quick Example:

After I did this exercise (as a result of obsessing over a man who I had confessed love to but that had yet to return my messages), I felt more at peace than I had in a long time.

At that point after I did these 4-steps, I seriously had surrendered to the possibility that I maynever hear from him again.

And I was actually okay with that.

And then, at around 6:15pm, less than 24 hours after I wrote the letter, he called!


I was totally oblivious and was interrupted from a solo dance routine I was dancing to for fun in the living room.

But there it was. His number insistently taunting me to answer or ignore.

Long story short,  we ended up talking for about 45 minutes that night. I left the call feeling empowered and at peace.

This stuff works. I don’t all the ins and outs of why it works. It just does. Something magical comes when you say how you really feel and then in a safe space, surrender and let go of control a bit, letting Spirit and Source take over.

QUESTION: Have you ever written a letter to Spirit to let go of worry around a relationship? What happened and what did you learn about yourself in the process? Share in the comments below!

ps: Want to learn more amazingly powerful and simple Spiritual tools to attract healthy, inspiring relationships? Come to Sedona! It’s one of many topics we’ll be addressing and I’d love to see you there!

Click on the pic below for more info and have a fantastic week!












Want to get that hot guy to notice you? Do this!

Do you feel like things are not moving as fast as you would like them to?

Are you tired of pushing and feeling like “Ok, Universe. Why the heck is everyone else getting attention and love/clients/money/etc and not me?”

I want to share 1 of the secrets to getting more attention and being an attention magnet.

I learned it in Los Gatos up in the mountains…from a beautiful black stallion named Danny…(seriously…very Danny Zuko ala Grease). *Cute pic alert!


If you master this secret and are single, you’ll have more male (or female) attention than you will know what to do with.

Or if you are a business owner and want to attract clients without pushing or feeling desperate, I’ve got you covered too.

Are you ready to learn the secret?

Watch the video below and comment on this week’s Soul Challenge!

This Week’s Soul Challenge:

DannyandmeWhat is ONE thing that you value about yourself? Post it in the comments below!

ps: Want to learn how to make better decisions?

Get my FREE report: The 5 Signs to Distinguish Between a Message from Your Intuition and Wishful Thinking! Click here.

Are you ready for a Soul transformation?

Come to Sedona with Diana!

Magical “Divine Soul” retreat happens this November 7-9 in the magical Red Rocks! Space is extremely limited.

To get on the priority list when registration opens this week, go here.

The simple rule to re-vamp your relationships (or any part of your life for that matter!)

Diana DorellCredit: Peek Photography

Diana Dorell
Credit: Peek Photography

“Step with care and great tact, and remember that life’s a great balancing act.”-Dr. Seuss

Do you ever feel called to do a complete Soul overhaul or life makeover?

So often, we think that once we’ve declared what we want to be different in our lives that we must go through every single area and change everything to achieve results.

Like if you want to attract a new relationship, you also feel the need to lose ten pounds, get a new website for your business and move to a more fabulous apartment. All at the same time. With a 4-page list of how we are going to achieve each one.

I see this a lot with my amazing friends and clients who tend to be over-achievers and action-takers to a hilt. (hmmm…is that you too?) We tend to attract each other.

It’s really exhausting to try and do it that way.

And honestly, it could be a lot more enjoyable and fun!

Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be so hard.

And it doesn’t have to take so much of your mental, emotional and physical energy.

The solution: Just focus on shifting ONE thing.

And by the law of Spirit, once you radically shift one area of your life, it’s like all the moving parts have to shift to create something new, but you don’t have to manually move the pieces into place. It just happens as a by-product because who you are BE-ing requires that you take different actions and behave differently than you did before.


*names have been changed for privacy.

My client *Sarah recently shared with me that her focus has been to re-vamp her self-talk in relationships. (no easy feat but yes, she is a rockstar and super awesome!) She used to really struggle with taking everything personally when date plans would be cancelled or changed and she had a really hard time speaking up and stating what she wanted without getting defensive or falling into thinking like..”I’m just not good enough. I wonder who they are really going out with tonight..This always happens to me, etc”. So we started working together and she learned how to manage her monkey mind using spiritual tools, taking the focus off this other person and back onto what she could control: her thoughts to herself. It wasn’t easy, but she has been practicing everyday and just reported that she was able to stay grounded and neutral during an event in which someone was putting out some seriously weird vibes. And the results? She’s being treated with a lot more love and respect in her relationship. “It felt amazing…and weird…but I was so proud of myself!” From this powerful place, she’s also taking better care of her physical health and has increased energy there and consequently, she’s being offered more work! Win:win:win. And all she focused on shifting was ONE THING: her self-talk space.


Over the next few weeks, I will be sharing a 3-part series of what I’m calling “Mind Your Mind” tips that you can use to calm monkey-mind/mental stress + come back into alignment with yourself so you can go out there and rock your relationships, career and life!

For now, I want you to answer this question: 

“What is ONE area you are committed to shifting in your life? What is one powerful action you could take right now to begin?”

Example: Maybe it’s to mark a date on your calendar, to write in your journal, to call/email/text someone. To get supplies you need for this. You get it. Pick one thing!

Share with us in the comments!

Remember: To change your life, all you have to do is shift one thing at a time. The rest will fall into place. Click to Tweet This.

ps: Are you coming to Sedona this November?






Ready to leave monkey-mind behind and have more energy, love and connection than you know what to do with? Put your name on the priority list! Registration opens next week!!!