3 Steps to Stop Feeling Like a ‘Fraud’ in Your Life

So, today’s post comes from a comment one of my favorite clients shared with me and I have a feeling that you may vibe with it (or know someone who would).

She is a very successful consultant and she is dedicated to helping her clients bring order and organization back to their business. But despite all her success (she practically has a waiting list because she’s so awesome at what she does!), there was a nagging feeling she couldn’t shake.

Q: “Diana, how do I deal with this feeling of guilt for helping my clients organize their business when I don’t have my own shit together?”

(Translation: How do I stop feeling like a fraud?)


This is a BIG and very common feeling that I hear running rampant, especially with super freakin talented (and successful!) service-providers and it’s time to address this.

I’m super passionate about this, so I’m going to offer insights in two parts over two weeks.

Today, you get Part One.


A: (Part 1) How to Deal with Feeling Like You’re a Fraud in your Business (Or your Love Life)


Step 1: Recognize the Pattern
In my experience, this “fraud voice” usually comes up when you are about to make a BIG change, leap or transition that you KNOW is right
(it’s actually been a long time coming) but there’s fear because there are no guarantees that it’s all actually going to work out.) You just FEEL it. (And the thought of NOT doing it feels like you’d be selling out on yourself/out of integrity.)

Ex: Raising your rates, Having the “Talk” with your significant other or finally starting your own spiritually-based business.

Is this you?
Step 2. CALMLY acknowledge the voice
If so, after taking a few deep breaths, state ALOUD: “I recognize that I am currently experiencing fear around __________(insert your BIG leap here). I see you. I feel you. And I acknowledge that you are here to protect me. Thank you for sharing.”All that voice really is is the Ego and it stems from the belief that you are somehow separate from another or the world. You aren’t. That’s an illusion. But for the love of Goddess, acknowledge the voice or it’s just going to be like a 4 year old and get louder and more annoying until you give it attention 🙂


Step 3: Go back to your WHY (Vision)
What was the reason you got into your business in the first place? What drew you to want to be close to that person? Write it down. Dance it out. Sing about it. Heck, I even had one client RECORD her own voice for what her WHY was and she plays it every morning on her fancy i-phone!

When we re-visit our WHY (or vision), our bigger intention, all of a sudden, the subconscious remembers, “Oh yea, it’s not about Me (Ego). It’s about being in service and using my gifts to the fullest extent of my potential.” (or your own version of that!)


Take Action Time:

I want to hear from you:

1. What helps YOU tame that “fraud” voice? Post a comment on here!

2. Try out the 3 steps if you’re serious about shifting your energy for the REST OF THE WEEK and post your findings of this experiment by posting a comment here!

 3. Need help? Consider this first.
Sometimes (more often than not), the “voice” is not actually ours. It could be the voice of our well-intentioned parents, old lovers, even lineage or past life patterns that are running the show and squashing your capacity to move beyond certain income levels, loving partnerships or optimum health that you know you deserve. The good news? You have the power to release it. Completely. Like. For. Good.

Part of my WHY is to help you feel powerful in all your relationships, to help you make the kind of money you know you could be making in your business (without it leaking out the other end!) and to help you feel like you have as much energy as you had when you were little so you can go live out your dream. But it takes courage. It takes effort. And if it’s a pattern that’s been ingrained in your subconscious for a long time, you need help. (otherwise you would have already seen the kind of results you wanted, right?) Now is the time. And if you’re feeling the call from within, I’m here for you, but you must take action.

Go here to book

With Love,


ps: Did you like today’s post?

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Is it “too late” for you? A true story about the power of love + how to stop this belief

It’s ‘too late’ for me to go for my dream. I need to be more practical.

It’s ‘too late’ for me to attract love because I’m too old and/or I don’t have enough time.

It’s ‘too late’ for me to admit how I REALLY feel. We broke up so long ago. I don’t want my friends to think I haven’t moved on yet.

Have you been guilty of any of the above self-talk? (I said YES to all three btw)

If you said YES too, it’s ALL GOOD. Breathe!

*I have something that can help you (and others world wide) if you’re having trouble with this, so stay with me. First, a story.

The Story:

Last year when the earthquake hit Japan, I had recently broken up with a guy we’ll call Mr. T (Tokyo-I know, original 🙂

I had read about the destruction via my personal news anchor aka my dad who sends me critical news in the form of two line emails (I don’t watch TV or read the news a lot and he worries that I’ll miss something 🙂

I was still hurting from the break-up (I was supposed to go visit him in Japan and we broke up the week before my flight..i know..GREAT timing, right?)

Thoughts like ‘it’s too late’ for me to tell him how I REALLY feel because then he’ll think I’m whiny and desperate. It’s too late to show him I still care for him, even though it didn’t work out. Anyhow, when I saw the news, I hadn’t talked to Mr. T in a few months and I’m kind of embarrassed to admit that it took a catastrophic event for me to get out of my own way.

Divine intervention ensued.

I was awoken at 2:30AM with this pulsating in my gut. I had been crying and was prompted to go to Facebook and lo and behold, he was ONLINE. Before my logical mind and Ego feminine pride could kick in, I just IMed him. Very simple.

“I love you. I’m so glad you’re alive and you’re okay.”

Tummy happy.

His reply?

“I love you too. Thank you. I okay.” (His English wasn’t perfect but it was brilliantly authentic).

So freakin simple.

There was no talk of reconciliation. No awkward so “how are you faring since we’re not you know, a couple?” and certainly no fishing for details of each other’s dating lives.

It was just human to human.

Or Spirit to Spirit.


Real LOVE.



And best of all, that one simple action to override my pride and follow my intuition/instinct to let him know I cared (without any agenda for myself) kicked the

“It’s too late” excuse in the ass.


FYI: There is an epilogue to the story at the bottom of this email.


*******Here’s the deal: TRUTH TELLING TIME

It’s NEVER too late to trust your intuition and follow through on what it’s telling you.

It’s NEVER too late to surrender your Ego and pride in the name of authenticity.

It’s NEVER too late to SHOW UP FULLY. Bruises. War wounds and all.

So, ask yourself this:

1) “Where have I believed that it’s TOO LATE in my life?” (Go with your first instinct here. Note: It’s usually the one you’ve been avoiding the most) 🙂

2) “What action however small could I take RIGHT NOW to flip the script?

3) GO DO IT. (And get off Facebook already unless that’s your action and then by all means, rock it sister!)

Epilogue + An Invitation

So, that night at around 2:40am, Spirit guided me to resurrect a guided meditation from hiding which I channeled to help people feel less alone and more able to move on from the ties that kept them from finding love, “Journey to Love with ArchAngel Jophiel.”

I had stashed it away on my desktop because I felt it was “too soon” to show to the world something that wasn’t PERFECT (that’s a whole other issue for another night)

Again, kind of out of body, I put it up on my online store at the time. And I gave away a portion of the proceeds to the Red Cross to help Mr. T’s peeps and Japan.

I was so scared to write that email and put it up. It wasn’t “ready!”  And overnight, so many people from all over the world wrote responses to the meditation and also their own stories on love in response to the one that I’ve shared that inspired its birth.

My Invitation:

1) Do YOU have a similar story about turning around an “its too late” in love?
I’d LOVE to hear from you. Send me an email with your story.

2) Get your fix:
If you’re wanting to bring in love, need to forgive yourself/move on from a love or just need to feel HAPPY and LIGHT, I’ve resurrected the famous love meditation for you to purchase. (A portion will ALWAYS go to the Red Cross as that’s how it got its legs and I’m a sucker for tradition sometimes 🙂


Here’s to love and YOU!


ps: Are you a part of our CEO online community?

If not, join us here.

Video: How to transition out of your 9-5 to do what you love! (4:58min)

A woman wrote to me asking,

“Diana, how do I transition out of my 9-5 job to start my own business?”

This is a juicy question!

In this video, you’ll learn:

  • The truth about what it takes to transition out of your 9-5 with grace and confidence
  • What you absolutely MUST have in order to be successful (and profitable) in your new business
  • The easiest way to leave your job (without feeling shitty, uncertain or ‘energetically incomplete’)

AFTER you watch the video: TAKE ACTION

What helped YOU transition out of your day job into your dream business? 

What advice would YOU give the woman above?

Post a comment here and share this video with a friend!

ps: Are you signed up for updates? (it’s FREE!)

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If you had 10 minutes to change the world, what you speak about?

I will be speaking at the #140 State of Now Conference in NYC on WED, June 20th

@10:40am EST.

Watch the live feed of the entire conference which starts June 19-20 here:


Take ACTION: I want to hear from YOU.

“If you had 10 minutes to change the world, what would YOU speak about or do?”

Post a comment and share with our CEO community! I look forward to seeing all your awesome ideas and posting pics when I get back from NYC.

Here’s to a GREAT week for you!




Video: How to Get Out Of Indecision Land (In Less than 5 Minutes)

The phones are ringing off the hook.

You’re running late to yet ANOTHER appointment.

In front of you, you have a To-Do List miles long.

And when you DO have 5 minutes to actually glance at it, the thought of tackling it or focusing feels too exhausting.

And did I mention it’s only 12noon?

If this sounds like you, do yourself a favor and watch this SHORT (less than 5 minute) video. (made especially for YOU!)

I hear you and I want to help you get out of what I call “indecision land.” It sucks. It’s exhausting and it’s soul-sucking.

Here’s what you’re going to learn:

  • How to stop treading water (and wasting time) on “to-do’s” that suck your energy
  • My Top Secret Unconventional 3 minute strategy to knowing EXACTLY where to focus first
  • How to stop feeling distracted when life around you gets CRAAZZZYYY



1. Golden Arrow It.

2. To-Do List

3. Take it to the Heart/Select

Take Action:

What helps YOU stay productive?Is there a method or inspirational quote/book/etc that helps YOU get out of indecision land? Your suggestion could help SOOOO many people. Post a comment and SHARE this video with your indecisive friends!


PS: If you are in the NYC area, come say hi! I’ll be speaking at the State of Now Conference June 20th at 10:40am EST along with Dr. Deepak Chopra, Jeff Keni Pulver and other amazing folks!

Did you enjoy this video? Keep in touch below so I can help you more!