Do you worry too much? Try a Worry Box!

Worrying lowers your vibration and energy. It helps no one and actually can BLOCK the solution to your quandary.

But it can become addictive, as if “worrying” about a thing means we are being “productive or good,” especially if it’s around a person or situation near and near to our hearts.

There is a solution though! See below!This is a fun and inexpensive way to release your cares and worries to Spirit so that the energy you spend on worrying is re-directed back to YOU to use for other things that LIFT your soul!

It’s called the “Away Worry Box!” (I trademarked that. Just kidding!)

Materials needed:

  • your Intuition
  • Empty tissue box
  • Sharpie or marker
  • index cards, post-it notes or any scraps of blank paper to write your worries on
  • optional: choose a power color tissue box or use a marker to color it to one!


Every time you catch yourself worrying about the same thing over and over…

1. write it down on a piece of paper and

2. drop it in the Box, with the intention to completely surrender the situation to Spirit, your Angels, etc.

3. If you want some extra support, write a prayer, mantra or statement of intent on your box to help remind you to LET GO of control. (My box is below so you can see an example).


4. Optional: If you are sensitive to colors and want to get all crazy with your box, consider adding colors to your box to enhance the quality you are wanting to call into your space.

Purple: Spiritual Wisdom, Intuition

Green: Healing, especially emotional

Pink: Love, Compassion

Yellow: Personal Power/Healthy Boundaries

Blue: Communication, Respect

White: Clarity, Peace




Enjoy! And Please let me know how your box is working for you!


Take Action and Announcements:


1) Do YOU have any tips to help you overcome or deal with worry?

Post a comment here!



Special intro rate only available until this Thursday, January 31 (2 days!)

Check it out!


3) Ready for L-O-V-E? Join us!

Love series, How to Attract Absolutely Anyone” starts February 5! To get the intro rate before it goes up Feb.1, sign up by THURSDAY! 2 ladies who took this course with us last year were in relationships by (and in one case, before) the end of the series! Click here.

Have a fabulous week!



For more free updates, join my e-family here + I will send you a free gift!

Have you ever shut down your intuitive gifts? Watch the Skype Interview below with the Reinvention Channel!



Lights. Camera. Action!

Fun disclaimer: I was convinced that the interview would be audio and when Vidette, CEO of the Reinvention Channel told me it was SKYPE VIDEO, well…I took it as a sign to keep moving forward despite all my insecurities and fears about “being more out there.” There are truly never any accidents!

In the video, I share:

  • How you can tell if a message is truly your intuition vs. fear 
  • A simple way to quiet your mind (specific breathing)
  • You’ll get to hear my personal journey and the lessons I learned about living fearlessly from intuition!
  • ps: For the most bang for your back, carve out 20-25 minutes to watch the whole thing and take some notes! 

After you watch:

Share a comment with me on here! I’d love to hear from you and also hear your insights.







Invitations this Week:

1. Did you enjoy the interview?

Want more FREE content?

Sign up to receive weekly updates (it’s FREE) and I’ll send you a gift.


2. Are you tired of being single? 

Sign up for my 3-week February tele-series, “How to Attract Absolutely ANYONE!” starting February 5! You deserve LOVE.


Have a fantastic week!



3 revealing questions to help you know a relationship is right for you

Relationships. Love. Ugh

It can be so hard. I don’t want to deal with that Diana! (I can hear some of you in my head!)

A few weeks ago, a woman asked me the following question and I’m curious what you would say to her.


Dear Diana,

Q: I am wondering whether or not to stay in this relationship or to just throw in the towel. I feel so confused. Should I keep working on it or cut and run?

A: This is a big question that goes much deeper than just this relationship.
I will frame this by saying that the way we are in one relationship tends to be the way we are in all our relationships, so when we can see our own underlying patterns, then we can start to get back in the driver’s seat and make a choice from our intuition vs. our fear voice or what we “should” do.

Without much more information to go on, I wanted to share 3 soul-inspiring questions that can help you make the decision that feels right for YOU in any relationship, personal or professional.


The 3 Questions:
1. How do you feel about yourself when you are with this person?

If you had to pick 3 adjectives that described how you feel and they are all things like “content, respected, heard” vs “I feel tired, confused, like I have to hide part of myself” then that is a good indication that you and this person are vibrating on similar energetic frequencies! A sub question is “Does being with them energize or de-energize me?”And if they are on the latter, then perhaps you are vibrating in different places. It doesn’t necessarily mean you shouldn’t be together or involved, but you may need to have a conversation around #2.

2. What is your main intentions and reasons for being in the relationship? (Be TOTALLY honest. The first answer is usually the purest one.) If you’re not sure, start there. Without a clear intention for WHY you are interacting with this person, you are subject to play a defensive role in the relationship, which sets up an unequal connection. If you are sure, ask them theirs! Are the two aligned or polar opposite? That is more information for you that could open up a very powerful dialogue.

3. What would it take to EXCITE you in this relationship? Again, this is not about changing anyone, but it is to simply open up your subconscious to possibility. What is your ideal scenario, even if you aren’t sure it could happen? Answering this will help you identify your core needs and make it easier to communicate them and consequently get them met!

In the end though, as with any major decision, we have to search deep within to our inner Knowing. Our intuition. And trust the information that comes, even if we don’t like it! (That’s where most people trip themselves up.) We want another answer and then we think we are “confused.” You may be super clear, but you may also need to make some pretty uncomfortable changes to move forward.

Take Action:

I want to hear from you.

1. What would YOU say to the woman who asked the question above?
What has helped you make a difficult decision or deal with the fear that comes up with relationship stuff?

Share your comments and insights here on the blog and….

2. Sign up for my FREE call, “How to Attract Absolutely Anyone”

When is it? Tomorrow!
If you can’t make it, there is a recording. Details on the link below!
This call is for you if:

You’re single and want to attract and find love in 2013, are scared of opening up your heart to a romantic relationship but you’re tired of being alone and need support, want better self-awareness, want to stop feeling bad about yourself in relationships and start feeling powerful, sexy and adored. Oh, and if you have friends that fit the bill, send them my way by cutting and pasting this link!


Have a blessed and beautiful week and remember: You are Loved. So, go out there and share your heart with others. Let them see who you really are. Have compassion and keep sparkling my darling! 


With Love,



ps: Did you enjoy this post?

Share it with a friend.

And….Get more PLUS a FREE GIFT when you subscribe (it’s FREE to join). Click here.



Get Ready for the New Year! Free gift from our special guest, Natasha Vorompiova aka “Systems Chick!”

 Happy New Year! The New Year can be a time of celebration and new beginnings. You see a lot of people working out and you resolve that THIS will be the year when it all comes together for you! There’s one small caveat.

If you make all these amazing, grand resolutions, but you still have the same systems (or no system at all) with which to measure your progress, streamline your energy and ensure your success, then you could be part of the majority who crash and burn. But if you’re reading this, you are different. Because you lead with an internal compass, your intuition which will ring loud and CLEAR if you are falling prey to the same past patterns when the going gets a little tough. To succeed, you need a combination of support, persistence and a plan to execute towards your intended outcome. And the last step is where many entrepreneurs get gun shy for fear of being limited creatively. But quite the opposite is true. With a system that works, putting a plan into place and implementing can actually be quite fun (and a lot less stressful as I found with Natasha!).


Meet Natasha!

Natasha Vorompiova, also known as “Systems Chick” from across the pond in Belgium to come and set us up for success! If you’re anything like me, the word “systems” sounds sterile, scary and well, confining. You creative entrepreneurs of the world are cringing as you see the word. SYSTEMS. Boring. Run. Rebel from the establishment! Stop trying to squash my creativity! I get it. That was how I saw them too. Until I met Natasha.

She helped me see that there were definite areas in my business that had NO system at all (yay but not yay as it turns out) and I was exhausted, wearing 1,000 different hats while juggling 4 balls and smiling underneath it all when I really just wanted to throw up my hands, scream and let the balls fall where they may.  An example of where this was happening was with scheduling appointments for my clients. Like many of you, I play the role of SuperWoman sometimes, only no one gets to see what happens to SuperWoman when she takes off the lipstick, puts on her pajamas and shuts the door after another day of saving the world (or feeling like she has to.) I bet she crawled into a ball and wailed like a little girl. Or maybe she was a closet alcoholic. Okay, I digress. The point is that in order to FEEL like Super woman (which is CONFIDENT, HAPPY, POWERFUL and let’s face it…HOT) we need HELP. I’m pretty sure if none of the aforementioned meltdowns occurred it was because she hired Natasha behind-the-scenes. 

Listen to my interview with her below!



Grab your free gift from Natasha at :


Take Action:

1) What is ONE system or routine that you have in place that is working for you? Ex: do you have a particular morning routine? a way to stay organized? Or something else that helps you streamline your time and energy?

2) Share it below!


JOIN ME this month!

And if you liked this interview, be sure to join me for a special event or course this January! All are held from the comfort of your own home.




January 8 (Next week!):  Want to make money… using your intuitive skills and release physical and emotional stress quickly without medication?

Try my Angel Reiki I Online Certification Course (5 weeks, self-paced). Click here.





January 14: Want to lose weight? 

Hay House author and international intuitive coach, Colette Baron-Reid and I talk “Weight Loss for People Who Feel too Much!” Join me! FREE. @11am EST. Call details to come next week! Mark your calendars!





January 16: Tired of being single?

“How to Attract Absolutely Anyone” is for you! I’m co-hosting this with two love/sex/relationship coaches, Sally Hope and Natalie Vartanian! FREE. @6pm PST / 9pm EST. FREE. RSVP required.




ps: Want to get priority notification on classes and VIP updates?

Sign up for the newsletter! (It’s FREE)



7 Ways to Keep it Simple During the Holidays

Merry Xmas and Happy Holidays to you!

We all know that while Holidays are a time of seeing family, catching up on our secret love of Christmas classics like It’s a Wonderful Life and being grateful, it’s also a time of reflection and cleansing.

There is no better time of the year than now to quiet the inner noise and take back control of your inner Sactuary by simplifying and streamlining your life.

Below are 7 ways you can keep it simple and get back into balance, so you’ll be ready to rock and roll as the New Years’ ball drops and we all enter the magical year of new beginnings, connectedness and countless synchronicities that is 2013!

After you read the tips, be sure to share your thoughts in the comment section below!

  1. Check email 1X/day
  2. Go for a 20-minute walk without your phone
  3. Add 10 drops of lavender essential oil to your bath (pure) Find it at any Whole Foods.
  4. Wind down your day with a good book (ideally fiction)
  5. Sing for 3-5 minutes, even if only in the shower. (This one really works, especially if you are feeling ungrounded or feel any blocks in your throat chakra!)
  6. Give it away.

(If you are in de-clutter mode and you’re not sure, ask, “Does this ENERGIZE me?” If not, give it away or throw it away. Bonus tip: Bless it by saying a simple mantra like, “I now release all negative and unwanted energy from this item so that it may be enjoyed fully by someone else. Then you make the Goodwill run)

     7. Make a pleasure To-Do list….
Super important: This should only include activities that give you great pleasure. (Ex: eating some dark chocolate, talking to your friend, getting a massage, for ideas refer to #1-6 on here!) Then happily refer to it throughout the week, making sure you nurture yourself with at least one (or one version of it) often. The more you increase your pleasure factor, the more energy and clarity you’ll have, which if we get really big, affects your health, your sex life AND yes, your bank account. So….indulge as often and consciously as you work and watch what happens!

  Bonus: After you do #7, take a break + stop making lists! 🙂

Take Action:
1. Which tip speaks to you and why?

2. Do YOU have a self-care tip of your own that works? Share it with us here by adding a comment!

ps: Sneak preview…next week, you’ll meet a woman who has helped so many entrepreneurs streamline their life with systems. She’s one of my favorite people so if you are a creative, big-idea type, you’re not going to want to miss next week’s inside tips. For more simple spiritual strategies to help you come back into balance every week, Subscribe here for updates (it’s FREE)!

Merry Merry Xmas and Many Angel hugs to you!

