get them to notice you…3 tips that actually work (from an unexpected source!)
Okay, I have some questions for you. If the answers are yes to any of these, raise your hand.
How would you like that special someone to notice you?
Wish you could command the attention of a room without feeling desperate?
Wouldn’t it be fun to stop pushing and actually get more of what you want with less effort?
Umm, yes please!
It’s actually a lot easier than you think and today’s post is inspired by an unexpected guest blogger: a kitten named Princess Tula. (I’m so serious).
In observing her story, you’ll learn 3 powerful ways of being to command more attention than you know what to do with. In love. And in life.
As you read the story, I invite you to see how Tula’s behaviors could mirror how you show up in the world. (or where you’re invited to try something new).
Ready? Let’s go!
Background: Tula is my aunt’s boyfriend’s new kitten and last night I got to witness the grand introduction of the kitten to his guard dog, a very protective (and fiercely loyal) Foxy. It was going to be interesting.
Scene: Kitchen
Starring Players: 8-week old kitten Princess Tula, dog Ms. Foxy, me, my aunt and her bf.
We are instructed to pick Tula up and hold her like a baby preparing for Foxy’s grand introduction.
After about 15 minutes of trying to chase Tula, my aunt gives up and says, “I can’t catch her. She keeps running away from me.” (We drink a glass of wine and figure we’re off the hook).
Enter her big, burly German boyfriend.
He picks up the frightened, escape-prone kitten in less than 1 minute using subtle mirroring and patience and the Princess is happy to be in his arms. (We stop drinking wine and are now curious what his secret is).
Stop chasing. A little subtlety goes a long way.
Enter Foxy
From the moment Foxy burst on the scene and realized there was another animal in the room, she went C-R-A-Z-Y. Barking, pulling at her leash, and even getting water dumped on her head didn’t stop her from showing her displeasure in having a ‘sister.’ It was NOT okay.
Tula’s response? Lazy amused stare. Decides it would be fun to explore the top of the couch and proceeds to sprawl out and close her eyes. What’s the big deal?
Be selective of what (or who) you spend energy on. Less is more.
Foxy: Gets more annoyed and manages to tangle herself around the computer chair. More barking. Maybe this will work! I’m so afraid that she’s going to take my place! That is NOT happening!
She then manages to knock down two candles on the coffee table in her state, a few feet from the Princess.She eventually gets taken outside. No treat.
Never make a move from a fear of losing something. You just get tangled up and it takes longer!
Tula’s response? Purr. My aunt pets her. Finally, finally a massage. And that dog is gone. That’s better.
It was truly fascinating to watch.
And in just a 20-minute experience, Tula gave us all a powerful lesson in loving yourself first and getting what you want, without force or struggle.
Kudos, little Goddess.
Bonus Love Nugget from a Man:
And to close out the story, my aunt’s boyfriend said, “You know, it’s not that hard. But it took me awhile to finally get it. Women are like cats. If you chase them, or try and force them to do anything, you get nowhere fast. You have to be subtle about it. It’s like a dance. You have to use finesse, not force. You should really put this in your book you know.” (walks away). Well said, sir!
Q: Which of the 3 tips hit home with you? How does it apply to your life? Share with us in the comments!
Just to recap, they are:
- Stop chasing. A little subtlety goes a long way.
- Be selective of what (or who) you spend energy on. Less is more.
- Never make a move from a fear of losing something. You just get tangled up and it takes longer!
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