The First Law of Spiritual Success….are you breaking it?

As we approach 2013, you may be reviewing your life and re-evaluating what it is that you want in the New Year.

Maybe it’s to lose weight, to open your heart to a new love or to call in more money so you can go on that dream vacation.

Whatever the desire, behind it is an intention. A Spirit or distinct energetic vibration if you will.

And there are certain spiritual laws that no one (including you and I) can get around if you’re really going to call them in fully.

If you follow them, life flows a bit easier (not free of challenges, but certainly free of unnecessary obstacles). When you don’t follow them, life feels like a constant challenge. You doubt yourself. You sabotage your own manifestations and then you may think that the Universe is just taking a big long nap. (But it really is NOT. You may just need to look at yourself and see how your current choices align or misalign with the Laws).

Ready to find out?

In this video I want to share with you:

  • The First Spiritual Law (channeled from Archangel Michael) that never fails to help me and my clients boost our bottom lines more consistently when followed
  • The real reason why you may feel stuck in your business, career or your current relationship
  • How you can learn about the other six core Spiritual Laws to make 2013 lighter, brighter and more fabulous than you thought possible.

Watch it here + be sure to scroll down and answer the question I’ve posed after you watch it.

Take Action:

1) What is ONE action you are going to take to get closer to a “10?” Post a comment!


2) Sign up for the FREE upcoming video training:

7 Laws to Skyrocket Your Success!(Starts December 10)






Video: What to do when your emotional buttons get pushed (The 3B’s)

In this week’s VIDEO you will:

  • Learn a powerful and simple 3 step process to catch yourself from being engulfed by emotional triggers
  • Learn a two-word Sanksrit Mantra that calms your nervous system and sends positive vibrations to the subsconscious in less than 5 seconds
  • Get to hear me sing (yes, I am so serious. Don’t worry. It’s only for a little bit!) 

Take Action (after you watch it)

1. What was YOUR body trigger spot? Throat? Tummy? Combo?

2. How did you feel when you did the Sanskrit Mantra? Post a comment!

3. Did you enjoy this video?

Share it with friends and to be the first to get exclusive content to help you trust your intuition and come back into balance, S
ubscribe for updates (it’s FREE) and I share members-only stuff on there!

Feel like you don’t “measure up?” 3 steps to deal with your family this Holiday season

The Holidays bring up a LOT, especially when it comes to your family or sense of family/belonging.

It can be difficult to feel like you “measure up” or are “good enough,” but even with challenging family conversations, there is a simple and very elegant way to keep your sanity!

In the video below (4:33 min), Diana shows you:

  • The simple secret behind staying sane when your family says things that push your buttons
  • 3 easy steps to avoid overindulging in wine, chocolate and other shenanigans (because of family drama)
  • PSSST. PLUS, you’ll get to see the inside of Diana’s kitchen, a place where family conversations happen all the time!

Take Action: (After you watch)

1. What is ONE piece of advice you can give to help people stay sane with their families?

2. Post a comment! You never know who may need to read EXACTLY what you share.

3. Did you enjoy this post? Want MORE?

Subscribe to Diana’s “Love Your Intuition” e-newsletter and get weekly updates and insider tips (it’s free!) 


What to Do When Your Intuition is WRONG

Does your intuition seem to be working on overdrive?

Is it really your intuition? Or is it something else?

I hear things like:

In Love:

“Diana, I had a dream about my ex and getting married. It’s definitely a sign from my intuition that I should call him and re-connect, right?” (usually said in a giddy voice)


My response?

Will calling him move you closer where you want to be or further away?  And truly, (again just my opinion), sometimes our subconscious just needs to work something out. It doesn’t always mean we need to leap to conclusions or take the dreams literally. If you ask your intuition and sit quietly with the possibility of contacting them, you’ll get a definite answer to the first question I posed by how you FEEL before you act rashly and regret it later by eating lots of chocolate and pizza. (I’ve done that and it doesn’t feel very good!)


In Business:

“Diana, my intention is to have ten people in my new program. But you know, I have a lot going on, so I’m just fine with whatever happens. I trust Spirit and all is well!”


My response?

You’re giving the Universe mixed signals. You say you want ten people. So it’s your job to manifest/attract ten people, co-creating WITH Spirit. Talk to people. Go outside. Go online. Ask friends to help you. Whatever it takes.  Stay open, follow your intuition, yes! Of course. Your intuition will guide you to WHERE to go, WHO to talk to and WHEN to go for it vs. when you just need to sit still and hold space for your vision. But when you release the energy around what you say you want (ten people) and just settle for mediocrity (whatever happens) because you’re scared of putting yourself out there, that’s just plain crazy-making! And your results will be a reflection of your internal disconnect. I know…there’s just no short-cut for making sure your words and your intentions align with your actions. It’s usually pretty uncomfortable but if you want different results you have to get out of your comfort zone on an on-going basis.


In Living Your Life Purpose

“Diana, my intuition keeps saying that I have to get this book out into the world. But, first I need more information about publishers and need to organize my schedule so I can have time to write.”


My response? Great. Your intuition is aligning with your heart’s true  desire to get a book out into the world. So, why are you waiting for a publisher or “more information” or “more time” to give you permission to get your butt to your computer and just start writing a book proposal? Is the information about publishing a book important? Yes. But if you’re using it as a delay-tactic to avoid actually sitting down and doing the writing, then you’ll be waiting a very very very long time. Start NOW. And put in specific times to research during your week.


First off, I have so much compassion for these statements and versions of them because I used to make them too! All the time! But now, these kinds of statements make me want to scream and bang on pots and pans. The voice behind each of those statements is NOT your intuition.I get the whole idea of having Spirit/Higher Self/the Angels/your intuition sending you messages to nudge you forward on your Path. But there’s a difference between listening to your Intuition and totally giving your power away to avoid having to tune into yourself and take grounded, concrete action.


What’s really behind these types of statements is one of the following:


#1 Fear (usually of failure and what other people think)


#2 Wishful Thinking (to avoid dealing with the present or the fact that your past really is done and over) or


#3 Laziness (to avoid having to take action, feel uncomfortable or shift from a routine that is safe)


The Good News: 3 Easy Steps

Once you come clean with yourself about which one of the 3 feelings you’re letting run your show (your life), you can choose something different!


Step 1: Name it without Judgement (Fear, Wishful Thinking or Laziness?) Or a combo?

Ex: “I am afraid right now because…or “I acknowledge that I wish …..or I really don’t feel like doing ….”


Step 2:  Restate your True Intention

What would you LOVE to co-create for yourself in this situation? Say it aloud and write it down.


Step 3:  Listen

What’s one step that can get you closer to where you want to be? Write that step down. Yes, I said just ONE. Then go do it!


That’s all you have to do.


And once you’re in alignment, you’ll be able to hear your TRUE intuition. The voice that gives you those great ideas at 3am. The voice that tells you to call so and so because they might be able to help you. The voice that says, Go do something else for a little bit and come back to this. It’s always there.


Will you listen?


Take Action:

 1.    What is one intention YOU have for yourself this week?

 2.    What is the ONE step you are going to take this week to get closer to it?

 3.    Post your response using the comment button on here and please “share/like” this post with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, etc if you enjoyed it!


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Have a great week and I look forward to reading your intentions here on the blog!


Love, Diana

ps: Curious what’s in store for you? I have a few spots left for Relationship Laser Readings with the Angels! $150. 20-25 minutes. Get clarity on your most pressing relationships (love/dating, family and business partnerships). Interested in grabbing one of these? Email me here and say “Yes to Love Reading!”

Until November 30th. I will send you a PayPal request and go in the order I receive the emails. 









How to Take a Risk from your Heart with Guest blogger, Amy Logan

“Taking a Risk from My Heart” by Amy Logan

Have you ever had the feeling that something was not right in your life? Even when from all vantage points, things seem pretty good? Good marriage, beautiful children, nice home, good college education, booming home business….etc.

This was me. From all intents and purposes, my life was on track. Perfect. I had it all. Life was good. 

But for years, I had a little something nagging at me, telling me things are just not right. I kept pushing it away. All was good, why listen?  

I was afraid of the answer.

The time had finally come when I could no longer ignore the feelings inside me.  I had to address that little something. As it turns out, that little something was my intuition nudging me about my life long faith. My head was full of doubts about the truth claims of my religion, for years, of it being not true. After finally giving myself permission to do some investigating and really address my lingering doubts, I found that for me, my religion was not what it claimed to be.

This not so little realization, changed my life, as I knew it. 

I want to share with you the biggest life lesson of my life……

The Lesson + Being Mormon

LISTEN to your intuition. It is always right. Always.

Sometimes following your intuition is not easy. In my case, my whole life changed. I was breaking away from my family faith tradition. I started thinking differently. Everyone around me was Mormon. My whole family, my husband’s family, my friends and community. I felt so different all of a sudden. Because of my decision to leave my faith, some relationships remained and some did not.

Did I make some mistakes along the way as I tried to navigate a new life for myself? Yes. Did I go through some painful moments? Yes. Would I change it? No. 

Now, each day, no matter how big or small, I listen. I listen to what my soul is telling me. It may be something as little as taking a few extra minutes to look into the eyes of a stranger and say hello or maybe something bigger like creating a blog to share my story with the world because I know there are people who need to hear it. Whatever it is, I listen.

I have learned that my heart is happier when I listen to my soul. When I follow my heart and lean into what it is telling me, I can’t go wrong.

We have all had those little thoughts run through our head and nudge us to do something. Sadly, we often push them away or shrug them off as being silly. I want you to stop and listen to them. Be quiet and still for a few minutes each day and act on those thoughts. You will start to not second guess your intuition. So, today, I would love you to sit still for 5 minutes. Listen to your heart. You will be given a little nudge of someone who needs to hear from you or a way to better your business or a way to better yourself. Be still in those thoughts and then write them down and act upon them.

I would love to hear about your experiences. Leave a comment below and share your story. We are all in this together and hearing and sharing our stories builds a bridge of community and makes us all stronger. 

~Amy Logan, your Soul Searching Girl

About Amy


Amy Logan knows that churches can be wrong, outcasts can be right, and life is rarely black & white. As the creator of Soul Searching Girl, she offers soft landings & love for those who are falling awake — reframing their stories, identities and faith. Through inspiring blog posts, provocative questions & 1-on-1 counseling, she opens a space for healing conversations to unfold — with been-there-survived-that truisms to soften the fall. Find a new tribe. Redefine freedom.
And make peace with the tension of spiritual reinvention, at
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YOUR TURN: Have a question for Amy? Want to share a story about a time when YOU took a risk and followed your heart? Post a comment + please share this post with friends!