How to Calculate Your Personal Year Number in 2016 and why that’s important!
You are a unique Soul and each year, there is a specific theme or vibration to help you tap into the lessons you came here to learn. I call it your Personal Year Number.
While the Universal energy of 2016 is a “9” (2+0+1+6=9) and that will definitely play a role in how you experience your year, think of it as an overcoat, with your Personal Year Vibration being your undies, the things you wear everyday 🙂
It’s super easy and fun!
Step 1: Add your day of birth and month of birth together.
Example: If your birthday is January 1, it would be 1+1=2
Step 2: Add the number above to the current 2016 year (9) and reduce to a single digit
Example: 2+9=11 1+1=2. Personal Year of 2.
Step 3: Voila! You know your Personal Year Number.
What it all means: What are Your Personal Year Themes?
If your Personal Year Number is a….
1-A great year to dive into a new adventure, blaze a new trail, go at it alone and stop waiting for other people to get on board with a great idea you have before you start. In short, it is a year “all about you” and that’s okay! Key words: risk-taking, adventure and trusting yourself
2-A year of partnership, learning how to work in a team, even if that team is calling on Spirit more. It’s a gentle vibration and your key words: “compassion, seeing two sides of the story and putting relationships first
3-A year of creativity, learning how to take your multiple passions and have fun! Your social calendar may be full this year, so it will be important for you to check in with yourself and only say yes to the invites that light you up! You may want to look into a creative class or new hobby…or just change your hair. Key words: Beauty, creativity, joy
4-A year of hard work, setting structures in place that will create a strong foundation for a successful and secure year. A chance to tear everything down and re-build it again based on who you are now vs. who you were. Financial education, investments and tackling inner beliefs around worthiness is par for the course. Key words: structure, getting a schedule, managing your money and time
5-A year of travel, change and communication. Anything goes in this year and it may feel like things change on a dime, but know that it’s all in your favor, even when it seems irritating. A great year to put yourself out there speaking, writing, traveling and designing something new. Key words: movement, change and communication in all forms
6-A year of birthing something, getting situated on the homefront and dealing with family dynamics. This energy is also about tapping into your creative gifts and if you’ve been wanting to start a side business or build a new business with you as the boss, it’s a great year to do that and voice your needs!
Key words: children/creating, family/home, and putting yourself first so you can take care of others (the whole “keep momma happy-then everyone’s happy” is perfect. Even the number looks like a pregnant woman holding her baby!)
7-A year of spirituality, learning about who you are in the world and going within. You may feel like being alone way more than you normally do and that’s okay! The 7 vibration is about cultivating your inner power and intuitive gifts and it’s hard to do that when you’re always around people, so take the time to carve out sacred silence. Keep a journal nearby as you may get some of your most powerful ideas that you’ll integrate later! Key words: meditation/silence, spiritual nourishment and heightened intuition.
8- A year of expansion, stepping into your inner CEO and tearing down old beliefs that kept you from the life you really really desire but haven’t lived yet because of fears, especially around money, havingness and deserving of the “good life” (however you define that). A great year for building or expanding a business or career path and building a team around you, even if that team includes a stronger partnership with your spouse or close friends. You are not alone!
Key words: infinite possibility, financial and personal success, taking your dreams seriously.
9-A year of completion, karmic rewards and lessons and knowledge. This is the year where you may feel guided to learn about other cultures or think outside the box in all areas of your life. You want to do it your way and you may question authority or anyone who calls himself an “expert.” A great year for teaching and sharing the wisdom you’ve gained. Key words: teaching, creating your own philosophy and new belief system, acceptance.
Over to you: What’s your personal year number? What is one thing you are excited to create for yourself in 2016? Share it with me by clicking the “Leave a Comment” button below and let’s start the energy moving!
All my love,

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