What You Can’t Be With Owns You.

Happy Tuesday!

Have you ever felt super frustrated because what you’ve been trying to manifest just seems out of reach?

I’ve been there and this week, I share a perspective that can help you break out of the prison we can sometimes create of our own making.

It’s a simple shift and I have seen clients go from blocking themselves, repeating the same patterns of dating the same guy with a different face, to meeting high quality, available men.

I even received a WhatsApp message from a current client just this AM who has been taking massive action to get her artwork into galleries and nothing seemed to manifest. She re-aligned her frequency and now, two of her pieces are in a major gallery!

To articulate it the best, I made a short audio for you.

Listen here and after, leave a comment! .

I’d love to know how this lands for you!

The more you can practice this, the faster you will align to the frequency of your desires, whether that be a committed, healthy soul mate partnership, better friendships or more.

2 replies
  1. Scott Shapiro
    Scott Shapiro says:

    I definitely have been frustrated with not meeting a good woman I want to be with for the long term yet. Interesting concept to try to be ok with what is. I’ll have to try it. Thanks Diana


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2 replies
  1. Scott Shapiro
    Scott Shapiro says:

    I definitely have been frustrated with not meeting a good woman I want to be with for the long term yet. Interesting concept to try to be ok with what is. I’ll have to try it. Thanks Diana


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